Hey, I too can sympathize: I am allergic to many sorts of animals (cats, horses, etc.). Now this might sound really stupid, but I tried this little trick once and, well, it worked. Here's the story:
I was hangin' with a buddy of mine and we decided to go over to his friend's house to watch Crouching Tiger..., the problem was that his house (one quarter of a four-plex) had three cats living there as well. So, needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to sitting there for a couple of hours! Well, when I got there, and got myself settled in this is what I did: I pictured two small fields of energy sealing off my nostrils. Then I imagined that all the air that was moving through this field was being treated to remove the dander of the cats from the incoming air. My imaginary fields worked! I did not sneeze even once the whole time I was there and I didn't get the usual symptoms that I'd normally get either (runny nose, itchy face and eyes, etc.). Of course, I did my best to stay away from the animals as well, but even when I usually do that, I still end up displaying some sort of reaction, but that time notta'!
So I dunno' maybe try that next time you are sitting on the tube; either it will work for you or it won't, but I can't see any harm in giving it a go! Good luck.
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