Stoatie wants pics. So we should finally get all four of us online at the same time and have a some pics taken of our hunting parties in Kalimerica. It's kind of cute that the (living) Horde start zones are reminiscent of the American West.
But I do have some pics... and here's the reason I've not been in Ysera.
I heard from The Instance podcast that female players really enjoy hunters; I decided to try one out. It IS a lot of fun, as Kobe and Peanut will tell you.

This is Jhuuno. I would have preferred to put an apostrophe in her name, but for some reason, Blizzard decided against that. Unfortunate really, because Troll names are all apostrophe'd. So much for consistency.

This is my girl Jhuuno flying over the Barrens.

And as she makes it to Orgrimmar.
Initially, I had some reservations about playing as female, as I identified with Urth, my main. But a few levels in, you foreget who and what you're playing, and you're just focussed on doing the jobs at hand.
And I've become a bit of a Warcraft Freak, and created a bevy of alts, just to find out about the different aspects, like "shadow-form", Felsteeds, and why-girls-like-hunters... Here's my team: