Interesting encounter.
It puts me in mind of something that happened to me a few years back, particularly as I was cast in the role of being the source/cause of the encounter. I was hitch-hiking around Scotland, visiting a variety of friends, and spent one night in Perth with a married couple I'd known from college, who were vaguely into magic (I'll call them John and Sarah - not their real names).I had, what I thought was a fairly convivial evening with them and a female cousin of Sarah's (who was at the 'vaguely intrigued but rather wary of magic' stage of involvement). At some point during the evening I'd showed them Ray Sherwins' "Cardinal Rites of Chaos" which I'd just bought. Anyhow, the next morning I woke late and, whilst preparing to leave for the next stage of travelling, Sarah came in and said something along the lines of "My cousins' really pissed off with you". Naturally I asked why and Sarah told me that her cousin had woken up in the night and on her way to the bathroom, had seen some kind of 'creature' come out of the room I was staying in, and walk across the hall and disappear into the darkness. The cousin was totally convinced that I was the 'cause' of this apparition. Sarah then went on to say that neither she or John liked the 'chaos book' I had. They'd decided that the artwork was somehow 'vampiric' in character and furthermore, they felt that the notion of meditating on the chaosphere image (which I think I'd mentioned) was also 'dodgy' as the group who'd created the book would be able to 'steal' the energy of the unwary. It was clear that I wasn't welcome, and that I wouldn't be able to talk to Sarah's cousin about her experience (it turned out later she was hiding in her room until I left the house). The subtext was fairly clear - I had a 'bad' book with me, therefore I was doing something magically dodgy, and had through my 'dark' doings, somehow caused the apparition that Sarah's cousin encountered to manifest - either through unwitting complicity or my magical incompetence. Although I'd known this couple for some years, subsequent telephone conversations indicated that they really didn't want me to visit them again after this experience, so we lost contact.
What I found interesting about this experience was how quickly I was tagged as the 'cause' of it - obviously Sarah's cousin had talked to Sarah & John about her uncanny experience, and they'd quickly collaborated to create a 'explanatory narrative' where I was the 'cause' of the experience due to the dodgy "chaos magic" I was obviously involved with - reinforced by my possession of a book they didn't like the look of. |