quote:Originally posted by nEtbanshEE:
...not exactly on the cold fusion tip, but more about "free" energy...anyone ever think about wrapping power lines with a copper coil leading to a device?
In India, families who can't afford power use hooks on poles to scrape the insulation off of the power lines, then just throw a conductive line over the bare patch. Seriously. As for getting power from the EMF, it's possible (since the current is AC it's producing and collapsing a magnetic field repeatedly -- the stuff that transformers are made of), but you wouldn't get a whole wack of power and the power you did get would probably not be the same V/I ratio as the current in the line... it would be transformed (stepped up, specifically) to a much higher voltage and much lower amperage, and need to be transformed back down to be useful...
Or so I think, anyway... I may be making all this up. I'll check my sources. 
quote:Originally posted by Lionheart:
Or/and why not use induction coils to get free electricity from all the electromagnetic stuff in the atmosphere. I believe that the so-called "ez pass" used on New York and New Jersey's highways get their energy from the atmosphere.
I've seen discussion of this on another, more strictly technical BBS. The conversation got rather involved but what it came down to was:
- Light is a good source of power, and is used all the time (solar panels)
- Power can be efficiently transmitted over line-of-sight with microwaves... this has been done experimentally and I think in the military, but again, I'm not altogether too sure ... ambient microwave energy, on the other hand, could be converted to energy but not a whole wack of it.
- AM, FM, shortwave and the like, just aren't powerful enough to induce into any kind of significant electrical current, although I seem to recall Tesla having toyed with this exact thing at one point. I'm sure most hams have.
Anyway, while we're at it, why don't we go all the way: quartz crystals, when physically molested in various fashions, produce electricity -- so why don't we line freeways with the equivalent of millions of quartz microphones, each one converting the noise from thousands of engines into electrical current? We could put them on roads, in stadiums, in concert halls...
and hey, why not tile the floors of our homes with solar panels, to reclaim some of the power from our room lighting? 
Why don't we use garbage incinerators and cremation chambers to boil water to turn turbines? Why aren't scientific efforts focused to growing bigger, more acidic lemons, in controlled environments where they would be used as batteries, in a self-perpetuating, current-generating controlled ecology?
Why indeed! |