Just wondering if any of the writerly sorts here had tried or was thinking of trying self-publication? (I hope this is appropriate for here - I'm a clueless newbie. And I'm sorry if there's been a thread on this before, but various versions of "self-publishing" and "print on demand" give no results.)
Last winter while suffering from insomnia I found Lulu.com and was overcome with enthusiasm for the idea of publishing my travel journals through them. I'm working on several novels in hope of traditional publication, but it seemed like a good idea to have something I'd finished and polished that I could show to agents (hey, look, I'm not just a dabbler! I'm a person who finishes books!). Hopefully also sell a few copies (realistically, probably just to my friends, my mum, etc) and have some of my work out there in the world doing something – no matter how small – while I'm sitting around waiting for The Big Book Deal™ to come through.
The plan's changed a lot since then. The journals have doubled in size because I came over all perfectionistic and had to fill in all the bits I didn't manage to write while on the road, and I've decided not to go with Lulu (because when ordering to the UK the shipping costs almost as much as the books) and have found a printer in this country which is slightly more expensive, though I should make the cost back on shipping. I've also lost my enthusiasm, as often happens at the end of a project. So I'm thinking my travel journals are horribly banal and middle-class-touristy and not worth the time I've spent writing extra material and designing a cover, but what the heck – I'm in the final stages of editing, I've come this far and I might as well go on.
So. What are your opinions on self-publishing and print-on-demand? If you've done it, any triumphs or horror stories to relate? Did you get your books into bookshops? How did you promote yourself? If you're thinking of doing it, I'm happy to tell what I've discovered along the way. Maybe you think it's destroying the publishing world. Maybe you think it's The Future. Either way, I'm curious. |