You know, I was checking out Byrne's forum and I've come to a conclusion: Byrne is dead jealous of the recognition Alan Moores gets as a "serious writer", which he himslef will never get.
Here are some examples:
All right, let's take TOM STRONG, just as a f'rinstance. This is a 40s style action hero much in the same mode as Doc Savage. Yet, as seen so many times before, this is Moore doing "nostalgia" with things about which he clearly does not feel nostalgic. And he can't help himself, can he? He has to pull the reader out of the mood. Not having looking at any TOM STRONG stuff for a while, I set aside the trade paperback that came in one of my DC bundles a while back. Took a couple of months to get around to looking at it, but when I flipped thru, what did I find? Naked sex scenes. Not full out naked. Not full out sex. But also not the kind of thing you'd expect from the pulp fiction that was supposed to be the inspiration for this character and series.
So it becomes the "adult" version of stuff that was never supposed to be "adult" in the first place -- and in the end, what is that but a variation on "everything you know is a lie"?
By all means -- if you like Moore's stuff, read it, enjoy it, recommend it to your friends. But don't pretend it's something it's not.
Yeah, too bad Moore dared to try and add something new and mature and iconoclast to the pre-pubescent fantasies Byrne seem to be uncapable of outgrowing
Not to mention his political insights:
Something happened to England after I left. The people who had fought thru the Blitz, survied Dunkirk, produced Shakespeare, carved an empire upon which the sun never set --- morphed into a nation of nihilistic whiners. "Fascist England", a term that could be coined only by someone who had never personally experienced Fascism.
What the %#^# happened?
Don't have the guts to write "fuck" online, Johnny? |