Ah, Nina - I haven't even touched Nina yet. She's quite complex from my brief samples of her - quite fast, rather powerful, but based on shorter, stronger chains, not the bam-bam-bam of Xiaoyu or Hwoarang.
I'm not learning the characters fast enough; I get good with one, but then try and learn another and promptly forget the first.
"Arcade" on T5 keeps me busy, though; I just managed to beat a 1st Dan Brian (ugh, that was hard), but found a Shinsen Christie a bit too much.
I'm alright at chipping away health, but I'm at that point where I have to learn blocking patterns of strings. Similarly, I'm getting better with the fast characters, but find that I'm struggling against better solid characters. Also Wang - Wang has a habit of launching into big, big evil strings.
So: people who are better than me at this game; tips for the top? I'm fairly knowledgable on move-sets, and mix up "doing a big fuck off string" and "doing a very small part of that and then comboing into something else". Also, I'm pretty sharp on the reversals, especially with Asuka, who's quickly becoming my favourite character.
But yes: tips? |