TOTP is getting a bit stale, but they'll never kill it off, it's too much of an institution... if they get rid of it, I'll eat my hat... oh, hang on a minute...
I saw the radio one roadshow in Brighton a few years ago, and quickly walked in the opposite direction...
John, I think I remember the Eels performance- I seem to recall they were all playing midget instruments as well... or maybe it was just the drummer. nice to see a drummer smashing up a half-size junior kit... I think he just kicked it once and it fell apart... I like pathos... or is it bathos? never can remember...
are there any other bands who have blatantly flouted the 'must mime' rule? I remember the singer from Faith no More mugging into the camera and waggling his naughty tongue around during his singing bits on 'you want it all'...
I liked Beck's performance a few years back, where his backing band was made up entirely of octogenarians. and octopusses. no, not octopusses. might have been a squid on bass tho.
mmm, tasty trilby... |