To clarify, I can't understand any magic that has no connection to the living environment around you.
Fair enough. I'm afraid I still can't agree. In the first place, you're right, of course--the idea of developing a "hasty" connection to a place is ludicrous and I tried to present it as such. Also, I think I understand what you had meant by "living connection" a little more now than when I posted. I was envisioning it as a more permanent thing, a sort of "this is where I hang my magical hat" based on longtime cultural or geographic affiliation. Don't do workings while in Finland unless you bleed the mighty Viking blüd or have spent some time chasing chicks with Thor, prosthetic shopping with Tyr, etc. I understand you now as describing a sort of resonance with a place, a sympathy and synergy. Getting to know it, sharing its concerns. Asking it questions and being a good listener. I do think that doing this is incredibly powerful, and it certainly adds new dimensions to your work and your sense of yourself as a 24/7 magician.
Nonetheless, it remains that I simply can't develop this sort of connection in a few weeks in a strange place. I'm in Buenos Aires for no more than a portion of the summer, and a huge chunk of that will be spent in an office or in court. And make the situation more extreme: say I'm in a new place for a few days or a week, no more. Does the short time, and the consequent lack of opportunity to become great friends with your temporary home, mean that you should hold off on working any magic until you're back in a place you can relate to?
Gypsy, I understand that your magic is intimately connected with your home and your community. I also respect what you do. At the moment, however, it's not what I do. Nor is it the only legitimate way to do things. My magic DOES center more in the imagination and less in the world around me right now; in particular, I'm working on lucid dreaming and making my way through Ben Rowe's "A Short Course on Scrying" to develop some facility with astral work. Basic stuff, but I'm a beginning magician and I need to strengthen those muscles. I don't believe this makes my practice weak, but merely early-stage and narrowly focused. I find that I can only work on developing one or two completely new skills at a time, or I don't progress in any of them. This is what I'm working on right now. Doesn't mean I'm not still "listening" as I walk through the city, or that I limit the magic in my day to the hours I spent doing my exercises. But, well, there it is.
Really though, the point I'd stress is my first one, that circumstances can place you in a situation where a connection with your current locale just isn't in the cards. You're right that a connection is a huge boost to your practice if it's possible. I certainly try to maintain one with my home city. But when it's not possible, I don't think that rules out magic. Maybe our perspectives differ slightly here, but I don't believe that invalidates either. |