So did anyone catch this story 6 months ago how the U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press. If so then the above piece of news shouldn't appear that out of place really. More reports from months back can be found here and here and even here and here. There is the Lincoln Group who own Iraqex doing their bit for the US Military's JPOSE (Joint Psychological Operations Support Element) to brainwash everyone with a eyes and ears in Iraq that everything is totally cool. Some more information here as well.
I find it saddening that in Iraq it is called Psyops, but everywhere else in the western world it is a mixture of marketing, news media and current affairs.
I got my healthy dose of cynicism from doing corporate Audio Visual events for 10 years and most events were plain corporate propaganda.
I can back up what Ganesh says entirely:
where respected 'names' are essentially bought by the multinationals and paid lavishly (directly or indirectly) to present heavily biased marketing in the guise of independent research.
The Pharmaceutical companies, yes. I don't know how many gigs I used to do sitting in hotel ballrooms full of medical specialists and some hospital GP's all decked out in bow ties eating the best meal on the banquet menu, drinking the most expensive wine and listening to this respected 'name' warble on through a power point presentation about how this new drug will be the best thing yet. After the expert finishes his diatribe the Pharmaceutical GM would pop up on stage, and I am NOT making this up, he would offer incentives like trips away abroad for entire families for the person who could sell the most scripts for their new wonder drug within a certain period of time, yes, it was a competition to sell sell sell those drugs.
So Ganesh, what is the difference here? None for me because the 'fair and balanced' tag can only be applied to the total news coverage. OK so when the evening news is made up of a mixture of paid hard sell stories(VNR's) after something that might be in fact real news, then promoting this entire segment as all news is simply wrong. Or have I mistaken your point here? You seem to leave it up to the individual to decide, but most people out there cannot and in some cases will not, and trust the idiot box that it is all true.
Information and where you get it from is one of the biggest PR battles going on right now. Your mind and opinions are the goal posts and massive amounts of money are being spent to get in your face, through all and every means necessary. The FCC are just a means to an end, and they don't have a squeaky clean past either but that is for another thread on another day. |