Any idea how far the angel burgers jokes had gone before it was moved to Conversation, Pseph?
Here's the thread --if I recall correctly, Jack Fear's post was the last entry in Head Shop. That was only seven posts in, people weren't talking about bludgeoning angels until after it got to Conversation.
And, for that matter, how much thought had gone into the originating post? In general, a thread will stay at about the quality of its first post, so a moderator might have felt, in the absence of your contribution arriving in time, that the thread belonged in the Conversation.
I wouldn't say that a lot of thought went into the initial post. It just had a hint of something interesting, that I liked. I hear what you're saying about the quality of the first post, and I gather that's the consensus opinion. I guess I just want to express a minority opinion that a long, well-thought post maybe ought not be a *requirement* for starting a good discussion...
Having said which, how could we have addressed that? We could have moved the topic back into the Head Shop, right? Or we could have started a new thread in the Head Shop, having ascertained that the subject matter itself was not the problem. Or we could have made a concerted effort to wrench the discussion upwards, while leaving the thread in Conversation. These could all have been tried, but I fear I don't recall if any of them were...
Speaking for myself, I just let it go --I'm not that into angel meat. But also I usually don't want to get into a discussion about What is angel meat to the Head Shop, or What is angel meat to Barbelith. I just want to talk about, you know, angel meat. I'm just bringing it up now because this seems like an opportune moment.
I think perhaps we need to communicate that their are options - you can post without being a subject specialist, you can discuss things that aren't immediately related to philosophpy, cultural or gender studies, and you can do things with threads beyond move, abandon or lock.
Yes, I'd definitely like this to be incorporated into Head Shop culture. I will try to do my part.
In other news, if you'd like to talk about veganism, I heartily recommend Ex's excellent thread on food and body image, which is touching on how veganism functons in different cultures and societies.
Believe me, I have been thinking it over... will probably have something to say in a week, tortoise that I am. And maybe all this is just me speaking for the tortoises, making the Head Shop safe for tortoises... |