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The DaVinci Code

20:05 / 23.05.06
Saw it, thought it was pretty good, left feeling that although I liked it, the book would've probably been better, as is usually the case though. I can finally see why Opus Dei and the Catholic Church are pissed off too.

Looking back on it, I liked the brave attempt at what it tried to do, and have shared the view for years now that Mary Magdalene was probably a lot more important than the Bible portrays her as. The flashback the film showed of the old Pagan Goddess statue being pulled down left me feeling quite sad aswell, and that if stuff like that really did happen we probably lost a lot back then after the Pagan Deities got branded as Devils and the Nicaean council did it's editing job on the Bible. I understand that some of the evidence that is said to support the story has been contested quite a lot too, and that there isn't an awful lot of it, so I won't be going any further into that area. It was an interesting story though.

So what did anyone else think of it?
20:09 / 23.05.06
I'd like to take issue with the abstract of this thread -I don't think someone did have to finally make a thread?
20:25 / 23.05.06
Well I was waiting for days to see a thread, being interested in what people thought of the film but never saw one appear, so after finally seeing the film I made one myself. To be honest I was a bit mystified why no-one had already made one, but if you want the summary changing just let me know and I'll put in a request.
21:32 / 23.05.06
I think it might be because nobody else has gone to see it, Jack. Cinema tickets are quite expensive, after all, and absoolutely nothing so far has suggested to me that this film is going to be any good at all, except the presence of a strong cast whom I know will be utterly wasted, and probably had to get utterly wasted even to step in front of the camera.
Brigade du jour
08:59 / 24.05.06
A wasted Ian McKellen? Now this I've got to see!

I'm waiting until I've read the book, which I'm going to do very soon, but then I'll probably watch it when it comes on telly. I've already got Mission Imp 3, X3 and Superman Returns in my summer blockbuster bag.

One thing, though ... has anyone seen a good review in any publication yet? Surely there's a film critic in the world who doesn't think it's shite ...
10:07 / 24.05.06
I'm waiting until I've read the book, which I'm going to do very soon

DON'T DO IT! Imagine how exclusive you will be.

Back to the film - Jack, as our so far sole representative of the set who have actually seen the movie, I note that your post was largely about the theory - that the Holy was Mary Magdalene's woo-wah - rather than the actual film. Was the acting any good? The script? Characterisation? How was the pacing? Tom Hanks' weird mullet?
11:30 / 24.05.06
Oh the mullet was sex.

The film was pretty good, but that's probably because it was the first time I'd been introduced to the story. If I'd read the book first, I'd probably not have liked it much at a guess. For some reason I'm remembering What Dreams May Come, and having read the book of that way before the film, the film never touched it, and maybe this is what some of the readers could be left feeling like.

Ian McKellen as Teabing and Paul Bettany as Silas seemed to stand out as the best actors, probably with Silas being the one that seemed to me to act the best. Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou as Langdon and Neveu were good in places, but I think they seemed a little too calm at times when faced with the events around them, and a little emotionless. The script wasn't bad, but could've probably been made quite a bit better from the material the book had, and the film did slow down in places, but seemed to move again before boredom set in. That's just my view on it though, and others will probably differ a lot.
ibis the being
11:30 / 24.05.06
I despise Tom Hanks and his furrowed brow and his moopey intonations. He sounds like Boober from Fraggle Rock, no offense to Boober. Even if this were the best movie of the year I don't think I could see it just because of my Hanks hate.
11:34 / 24.05.06
I have a feeling you won't have to confront that situation, ibis.
11:38 / 24.05.06
I got dragged along to see it last weekend. I think the comment about the cast being wasted is spot on. Ian McKellen was good though. He took the material and brought it to life. He was the only character that showed any real passion for the grail business and if it wasn’t for him I probably would’ve walked out. Audrey Tautuo and Tom Hanks were just going through the motions. I got no sense that they were in real danger or that they believed they were in danger at any point of the film. They just discussed their way through the movie occasionally interrupted by some running or fast driving. Hanks was a pretty boring lead, I know he was a just professor that got caught up in this mess, but a little more attitude and action would’ve gone a long way. As it is , he came off like a bumbling incompetent that needed all the good bits handed to him by Tautuo.

About the film itself, I think it could’ve worked as a slow paced mystery if I hadn’t already known what was going to happen. Without any actual mystery it had nothing.

I’ve wasted enough time on this movie…
Mr Tricks
17:15 / 24.05.06
I enjoyed it mosty for the secondary cast. Not just Ian but Alfred, Paul and many of the other secondary characters were enjoyably cast. The Movie did suffer from much to much talking and the solving of mysteries were all just done so neatly.

The "creative visualizations" where enjoyable. The flash-backs and animated sequences were fun. It seems to lean too much on the book and when it veared from it Ron seemed a bit lost. Tom indeed seemed adrift in the film but Audrey was just so enjoyable to watch and listen to.

I did however enjoy the on-location quality of the film; seeing places I don't intend to visit any time soon.
wicker woman
11:17 / 25.05.06
Ok, so, I'm sure the vast majority of you who are going to see the movie while it's in theatres have seen it by now, so I'm going to have hella spoilers here. If, for some reason, you haven't seen it and plan to, consider yourself warned.

It was a passably good movie; nothing that will ever be a classic, and certainly not one of Ron Howard's best, but it was entertaining. I'm not sure I understand a good deal of the complaints that seem to be coming from the mainstream critics, who decry the movie's lack of action and lots o' words. Did you guys even read the book? It's a slow-moving thriller with very little action and lots of dialogue! It's Theology 201 meets Sneakers!

No, my main problems with the movie come in where it deviated from the book. I don't believe in slavish devotion to the source material when adapting it to the screen, 9 times out of 10 it will make for a very bad movie. I make fun of my fellow Harry Potter fans on a regular basis for their constant nit-picking of every film. ^_^

The problem with DaVinci Code is that it strictly follows the book in parts that could stand a bit of revision, and then completely alters characters in ways that necessitate further, and stupid, story changes. Examples, you say? Okay!

*spoilers begin here. You have been warned, again.*

-Sophie's role in solving any of the puzzles / riddles throughout the movie is almost completely eliminated, as though it wasn't small enough in the book already. It's as though she exists simply to take on the role of Messiah-lots-removed at the end.

-Robert is turned into a near-complete doubter of the Magdalene-as-Grail theory, the existence of the Priory of Sion, the evil of the early Catholic Church vs. the evil of the pagans, whether the sky is blue, if the Pope wears those goofy-ass hats when he's out of sight... it's all well and good to have someone represent the other side of the fence, but they took it too far. I wouldn't have been surprised to see movie-Robert-Langon arguing whether the grass is really green. It's too jarring of a change from his character in the book.

-The creation of a whole new level of conspiracy in the Catholic Church (the "Shadow Council"? wtf??) was fucking DUMB. Dear god, is the movie industry so afraid of the Catholic Church being offended that it can't even call them on 1000-year-old bastardry without being afraid of them getting all pissy, especially in a movie that's destined to piss them off based on a book that's already pissed them off?

-Related to the Shadow Concil turd: Bishop Aringarosa and Silas, The Amazing Albino Killer Monk have been elevated from decently written, used-but-still-basically-good pawns in Teabing's obsessive grail quest to out-and-out asshats. The essential innocence of these two was one of the few nicely subtle points in Brown's novel, it was a shame it got chopped because american audiences can't do without their unambiguous Bad Guys.

So, you know, fairly entertaining book becomes moderately entertaining movie with some really grating moments that should have been a LOT better in the hands of a director of Howard's caliber.
Mr Tricks
15:58 / 25.05.06
Well put. Parts that could've been streamline were clunky and the part tha were altered were strangly chosen.

My WTF point was that salvation by holy pigeons (or where they doves) that distracted the baddies long enough for the heores to run out of firing range. You remember the scene. It was in the temple church.

I could sort of see the pandering in having Langdon play Devil's . . . ah Pope's advocate.
Jack Denfeld
05:31 / 26.05.06
I despise Tom Hanks and his furrowed brow and his moopey intonations. He sounds like Boober from Fraggle Rock, no offense to Boober. Even if this were the best movie of the year I don't think I could see it just because of my Hanks hate.
Me too. I don't like that guy's acting.
08:29 / 26.05.06
DON'T DO IT! Imagine how exclusive you will be.

I sort of come close. I read the first page and, whilst I must admit it was dire and my visit to the loo at the time felt more of an intellectual draw, I would still count myself among the tainted.

Dan Brown=Sutter Kane?
01:33 / 01.06.06
Overall, the movie was good. Ian McKellen was the best actor; Hanks wasn't what I would call good; and Tautou was a good actor.

I concur with Nico - the shadow council was one of the worse changes to the story, and the bishop and Silas should have been innocent pawns.

Sophie's role was modified so much that the only reason that she was in the plot at all (aside from being a descendant of Christ and helping Langdon escape from the museum) was so Teabing would have a reason to teach a character (and ultimately, us) about Magdalene's role in history. I just find that pathetic.
23:20 / 02.06.06
Someone had to finally make a porno ...

The Da Vinci Load
00:29 / 03.06.06
DON'T DO IT! Imagine how exclusive you will be.

Haven't been remotely tempted to read it meself. Have read Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, though; does that count?
17:17 / 04.12.06
I saw this tonight. Much of the movie felt like 24 light, especially the "unique" ways, in which they always escaped (from the Louvre, bank, castle and airplane) and of course they are awake all the time, working against the clock trying to solve puzzles. But Hanks never once shouted "Dammit!".

Audrey Tatout was just in it for the money, I saw no attempt to act at all. And I didn´t understand what they wanted to prove. After 2.000 years how much of the original genes would still be left? And they only would have tested it against the skeleton of Maria M., not her husband. And how would that prove anything anyway?

I liked Garth Ennis´ greatgrandchildren of Jesus much better.

And another thing. He isn´t, but for a moment I thought the junkie is Mathieu Kassovitz, Amélie´s lover, having turned to smack after she left him. Also, her mother once again gets killed in a gruesome accident in this movie and she gets raised by a cranky old guy, though there were no gnomes visible in the garden.
18:06 / 04.12.06
I imagine Audrey was also in it for her career.
19:32 / 04.12.06
Based on her skills in this movie, she might turn back to making movies with Wesley Snipes.
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