Can anyone lend me one of these outfits or a piece of clothing that looks like it could be part of one? I don't believe I have to ask this- a policeman, cowboy, sailor or builder. I refuse flat to dress as a Native American. Ideally I would like to be a cowboy because then I can pretend I'm going to a Firefly party.
Then, once I have something to wear, let us never talk about this again.
Basically the year was 2003 and I lived in a shared house with 4 other girls. When we moved to different parts of the country we swore we'd see each other at least once a year. This is that time. The person organising this party has phoned me three times and sent 4 text messages. I cannot get out of the village people party but I refuse to confirm until I can get some kind of outfit.
One Bob the Builder hardhat from Hamleys and a flannel shirt and you will be the epitome of Village People construction workerness. Easy.
Also means you won't feel like a pillock if you turn up having gone to inordinate lengths and find 90% haven't bothered to dress up. I once turned up as a nun to a party of sober suited citizens. Bastards.
Elene, it seems you're right. According to 'Alex's Page' on the Official Village People website Alex "originally performed in just jeans and a t-shirt. As the group developed, it became obvious that he needed a character, so when the group recorded In The Navy, Alex became a sailor for that number and a soldier the rest of the time".
I've got a ton of military stuff, including a Karen Millen khaki jacket with spangly epaulettes, if you can go as a soldier.
Otherwise my sister has a genuine cowboy hat, chaps and lasso, but I'll have to get hold of her and sort out permission/delivery. They look great though - and all you need to provide would be jeans and a check shirt.
As to Ganesh's underhanded insinuations, I consider them an unwarranted attack on my character libelous per quod. I am a regular in good standing- with a grubby disciplinary record- with my local Gay Bar. I will gladly provide the link to anyone who sends me candid pics. I only mention this because Ganesh's insinuations, and I can not sufficiently stress that they are those of a Hindu God with the head of an elephant, are an unsubstantiated personal attack which invites certain inferences.
Aha, thank you, Xoc!
My online translation only gave me "dimple ā simple ā pimple ā wimble", and I was afraid, it might be an euphemism like "wedding tackle" or somesuch and almost did not dare to ask.