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Village people party

Tryphena Absent
08:52 / 18.05.06
Can anyone lend me one of these outfits or a piece of clothing that looks like it could be part of one? I don't believe I have to ask this- a policeman, cowboy, sailor or builder. I refuse flat to dress as a Native American. Ideally I would like to be a cowboy because then I can pretend I'm going to a Firefly party.

Then, once I have something to wear, let us never talk about this again.
09:07 / 18.05.06
Ha ha, brilliant! Come on, what's the background to this - who is *forcing* you to go?
William Sack
09:12 / 18.05.06
And why no mention of the leatherman?
09:26 / 18.05.06
Was there a sailor in the Village People?
William Sack
09:29 / 18.05.06
No, just an urge to join the navy.
09:39 / 18.05.06
Iā€™m pretty sure the soldier guy was sometimes a sailor guy instead, William Sack.
Tryphena Absent
09:41 / 18.05.06
I'm only doing what the invitation tells me to.

Basically the year was 2003 and I lived in a shared house with 4 other girls. When we moved to different parts of the country we swore we'd see each other at least once a year. This is that time. The person organising this party has phoned me three times and sent 4 text messages. I cannot get out of the village people party but I refuse to confirm until I can get some kind of outfit.
Mourne Kransky
09:49 / 18.05.06
One Bob the Builder hardhat from Hamleys and a flannel shirt and you will be the epitome of Village People construction workerness. Easy.

Also means you won't feel like a pillock if you turn up having gone to inordinate lengths and find 90% haven't bothered to dress up. I once turned up as a nun to a party of sober suited citizens. Bastards.
09:53 / 18.05.06
How about this outfit?

They got lots of other stuff, too.
09:58 / 18.05.06
Teehee, I don't know why it's so funny but it is... Logardiere du Village, hahahaha!
William Sack
10:00 / 18.05.06
Elene, it seems you're right. According to 'Alex's Page' on the Official Village People website Alex "originally performed in just jeans and a t-shirt. As the group developed, it became obvious that he needed a character, so when the group recorded In The Navy, Alex became a sailor for that number and a soldier the rest of the time".
10:21 / 18.05.06
I can supply you with a sailor shirt, a small white sailor cap, and a vow of complete silence on the issue every after.
Cat Chant
10:22 / 18.05.06
There's your answer, Anna - go in jeans and a t-shirt and claim sekrit arcane Village People knowledge!
Cat Chant
10:23 / 18.05.06
(cross posted, was responding to William Sack)
10:46 / 18.05.06
Sorry... not only can I not help, but I think I may find it hard never talking of this again. I'll try, but it may not be enough.
10:59 / 18.05.06
Pillage People - go as a Viking.
Whisky Priestess
09:51 / 19.05.06
I've got a ton of military stuff, including a Karen Millen khaki jacket with spangly epaulettes, if you can go as a soldier.

Otherwise my sister has a genuine cowboy hat, chaps and lasso, but I'll have to get hold of her and sort out permission/delivery. They look great though - and all you need to provide would be jeans and a check shirt.
Whisky Priestess
09:54 / 19.05.06
PS I also have black leather motorcycle cop stuff - jacket, vest, jeans, spike boots, cap, handcuffs, toy gun etc.

(I used to be in a cabaret act, all right?)

10:11 / 19.05.06
Heheheh, I could probably supply costumes for most if not all of 'em...
Mon Oncle Ignatius
14:21 / 19.05.06
Please can you form a committee at your Village People Party congress and draft a manifesto for the next election?

I might even vote for you.
Dead Megatron
14:28 / 19.05.06
Otherwise my sister has a genuine cowboy hat, chaps and lasso

Hmmm, that's... intriguing.

Costume parties are fun!
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
18:32 / 19.05.06
There is neither a "Hard Boiled Detective" nor "Dastardly German Villain" in the Village People. Sadly my best costume pieces cannot help.

...still, now I've got this image stuck in my head as Xoc dressed as a nun. Which immediatly follows with Ganesh dressed as a priest...
Dead Megatron
18:40 / 19.05.06
Ganesh would look cool as the Pope...

Because, if you're gonna be a priest, you might as well be the most super-duper priestest of all priests!
Mourne Kransky
18:48 / 19.05.06
His freakishly small head wouldn't support the big hat.
19:04 / 19.05.06
Whereas Xoc's habit would risk creating an airtight seal around his wimple, quickly filling with methane and creating a zeppelin-like fire hazard.
Mourne Kransky
20:26 / 19.05.06
As to Ganesh's underhanded insinuations, I consider them an unwarranted attack on my character libelous per quod. I am a regular in good standing- with a grubby disciplinary record- with my local Gay Bar. I will gladly provide the link to anyone who sends me candid pics. I only mention this because Ganesh's insinuations, and I can not sufficiently stress that they are those of a Hindu God with the head of an elephant, are an unsubstantiated personal attack which invites certain inferences.
20:30 / 19.05.06
What is a wimple?
Mourne Kransky
20:35 / 19.05.06
It's a cloth which usually covers a nun's head and is worn around the neck and chin.

Maria, reputedly, wore curlers under hers in The Sound of Music.
20:40 / 19.05.06
Aha, thank you, Xoc!
My online translation only gave me "dimple ā€“ simple ā€“ pimple ā€“ wimble", and I was afraid, it might be an euphemism like "wedding tackle" or somesuch and almost did not dare to ask.
Alex's Grandma
11:18 / 20.05.06
Hmmm, that's... intriguing.

D'you know DM, I think if WP's sister met you, she would really like you.
Dead Megatron
14:16 / 20.05.06
Who wouldn't?

Wait. Don't answer that.
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