The Haughton Mars Project in Nunavut ("Mars on Earth") is a pretty cool thing -- a practice run at building a space colony.
And they need a chef. Well, an assistant cook, to be more precise. Mid-July to mid-August, and you'd have to be Canadian.
Because they keep all the good stuff to themselves.
Make contact at that link, and feel free to talk about this and similar simulation projects below.
From the first link:
The rocky polar desert setting, geologic features and biological attributes of the site offer unique insights into the possible evolution of Mars - in particular the history of water and of past climates on Mars -, the effects of impacts on Earth and on other planets, and the possibilities and limits of life in extreme environments. In parallel with its Science program, the NASA HMP supports an Exploration program aimed at developing new technologies, strategies, humans factors experience, and field-based operational know-how key to planning the future exploration of the Moon, Mars and other planets by robots and humans.
The HMP is headquartered at NASA Ames Research Center and is managed jointly by the SETI Institute and by the Mars Institute.

Dr. Jeff Jones of NASA Johnson Space Center tests the suit in a late night simulation.
Late night... in the Arctic! |