
I can't believe I'm letting myself be baited like this... I bet you people get sexual thrills from this, sitting in your little office chairs, masturbating in your own feces.
Ok: The cats enjoyed lsd and e, not shrooms. Is that so hard to infer from my post?
Fuck your semantic pedantrics.
moving on!
The lab report was from some research documents on Erowid. Also, I was slightly mistaken in quoting said text; The 6 week comedown was a result of a 3 week dosage, which would fuck anyone up for a while. I really despise science sometimes. Did you know they once shot an elephant up with lsd (300 times the human dose) and then killed it with thorazine trying to counteract it? (it got so high it fell over, as I recall, and the scientists went apeshit)
I took the time to specifically look up the effects of drugs on cats, trying to make sure they were ok. We were considering calling a vet, but the cats were all fine, and later vet checkups found them all to be as healthy as ox.
and to be clear: the first time around we were only a little high, clear headed to enough to rationally observe and care for our cats while determing the best course of action.
Drugs DO transfer through sweat, retard, its called a contact high. Rub your face in someones armpit when their tripping balls and lets see how high you get. Simple process: excess chemicals get sweated out. big time. Leaves all fabrics that touch it smelling rubbery the day after.
I know people who do that, they take a dose, and then their SO gets the contact high without getting the full trip. In fact, I dated a girl who preferred doing it that way.
And when your so high you can't walk, its pretty easy to suddenly find yourself petting a cat and realize its been there for some time without your clueing in. Exit cat, stage left. When you have a 3 second memory and the walls are covered in dancing flowers, a cat is pretty easy to miss.
The Siamese addiction thing is, admittedly, my own theory. They are known for getting *extremely* attatched to people, and she was a potato chip addict before she discovered e, so it maybe Siamese are prone to it? The other cats were WAY WAY less interested for the most part. Could be it was just her.
I never contradicted myself. We never fed straight drugs to any animal, and we strove to avoid getting the cats high deliberately, once we knew it could happen.
And blowing smoke in anyones general direction, be they cat or puny human, is not *nessecarily* feeding them drugs or however you want to phrase it; its a dick move blowing smoke in anyones face, I'll admit, and yeah, I have done it being the punk kid I was. I wouldn't do it now, but I don't feel too torn up over it. I've done plenty of asshole things in my youth; We all do. Some of us still do.
I'm done being trolled by you bloody mormons on this. I hope I've made my position clear. Experience and meticulous research (and while I may not be a biochemist, I still take the time to learn EVERYTHING about any substance I would consider taking, medical or recreational) have shown that kitties can handle their drugs, and seem to like it, but that does not mean you should do it.
If I suggested earlier that you should "accidently" get them high, then I misspoke (typed?). I only meant cats are entertaining to have around when your tripping, not that you should get them high. Fact is, science doesn't have that much to say on anything other than lsd, and I for one don't think its worth the risk. Even my drug-crazed ex agreed on that point.
In any case, it was irresponsible and dumb, no doubt about it, but it turned out just fine in the end. In truth, while I don't regret any of my drug adventures, I don't reccomend anyone start, ever. I still support legalization, same as smoking, which I hate. Its a weird position, but whatever. If you do it, do it well. If not, better not to start.
Fuck, what a waste of breath over a ramble about missing my kitties.
Can we go back to just loving cats and being happy now? I'm sure we'd all rather do that than yell at each other over the internet.
I for one will NOT interact with this idiocy any more. Its a waste of time and energy, and other peoples ignorance and anger simply does not matter to me.
Also, heres some of my kitties, who last I saw were the healthiest, happiest, most loving cats on this Spaceship Earth.

Smokey being a Sheik. Him and his sister *loved* getting pics taken. They actually pose quite a bit for it, ruining most attempts at random shots of them being cute and weird.

Ice, the e-cat, is on top. Smokey on bottom.

Gizmo. He was mean when he was younger, but he became my best friend in the last few months before I moved. My ex had 17 or so ball pythons, and he was fascinated by them. I think he wanted to hunt them, but he never got the chance. He was the only one that was really my cat, the rest had their own people to glom onto. This was the giant cat (think cocker spaniel size) who beat up the other cats, and people, when they were on drugs. He was downright disturbed by it, and on the odd occasion where he got it, he was downright disturbing.
I'll post a few more when I get them, y'all still have to see Memphis, AKA Little Kitty. |