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Chart of Bush's Approval Ratings

03:09 / 09.05.06

Compare with other leading brands of president.

Compare with the price of gasoline

11:11 / 09.05.06
Not wishing to be needlessly antagonistic but my question is kind of "And...?"

He is still President and will be for another two years. There was a chance to get rid of him 2 years ago. The majority of voters didn't want to then and it is a bit late for them to be changing their minds now...
Jake, Colossus of Clout
17:58 / 09.05.06
The majority of voters didn't want to then and it is a bit late for them to be changing their minds now...

Maybe, but there's some pretty clear evidence of tampering in the 2004 presidential election, especially in Ohio, so I wouldn't be so certain.
Tryphena Absent
19:21 / 09.05.06
It's sceptical but I think Sleaze is right, he's there for two more years. There have been accusations and evidence of electoral fraud before and the truth is that people are not horrified enough by it for it to equate to stripping a man of his Presidency. It would take willpower and mass dissatisfaction for someone to be thrown out halfway through their term and I would be surprised to find that the capability for revolt is present in mainstream America or in the political circles there.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
19:34 / 09.05.06
Anna, I wasn't trying to say we were going to get rid of the guy. I'm not that delusional. I was just saying that it's quite likely that the majority of voters didn't vote for him. Sorry for the mix-up.

We've got two more years of this guy, and then he'll probably crown himself Emperor of the United States of Christian America or something. The madness will never end, then.
Baz Auckland
02:20 / 10.05.06
Ah, but there's always the hope that the Democrats will win in November, open up investigations into it all, and he's be resigning by late 2007...

...and it is interesting to see the graphs, and wonder if he can fall enough to beat Truman's 22% approval rating...
04:33 / 11.05.06
But Wait! More MADNESS on the way... How can anyone take this guy seriously??? So much nepotism already it may as well be a monarchy...
00:26 / 12.05.06
If Bubble Boy resigns, we get ... Cheney! How wonderful.

On the other hand, if Congress has the sense to force his resignation at the same time, and if the Democrats control the House, then we get Nancy Pelosi.

She hasn't been any great shakes as (currently) Minority Leader, but she's light years ahead of Mr. Bubble, and it'll be worth it just to see American jaws hitting the floor all across the land.
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