When I say a thinking man's Dita Von Tesse - this is what I mean. DVT's job is to be sexy, and as such it doesn't take much effort to find her sexy. It's all very one demensional. So a thinking man's Dita would be someone who's job wasn't just to be a sex object, but brought all other kinds of reasons why you would find her attractive, so you had to actually think about it to be attracted to her. So with Regina Spektor, she's quite beautiful, but then she's also got this crazy voice, and she plays the piano, and she's probably got a great record collection and a million other mixtures, like a complicated smoothy. DVT might have all these attributes as well, but they're not presented to her audience as reasons to find her sexy - the only reason she presents is because she looks good, so it's a very base thing, first level, primary school, plain ol' chocolate milkshake kind of attraction. It's when other variables are introduced that it jumps up a notch. Does this make sense toksik? |