Perhaps this belongs in the 'Coincidence Monitoring' thread, but it's more omens/divination related really, so I thought I'd pop it in here. Sorry for the personal account rather than analysis exposition of the broad themes of this thread, but maybe it's a useful way of looking at how the process can occur and make sense to the practitioner.
So, I am about to embark on a 16 day fast with a very particular, spiritual purpose, which I spent all afternoon meditating on deeply, then writing down in graphic detail. To cut a long story short, I need to bust out of a terrible inertia professionally which has me in its stranglehold, and move into a sphere of great abundance for me and my family. I need to empty myself of the ghosts of the past, the egoic masks and armours I've been wearing, and step into the void confident that Universe will reward this step. I need to re-establish my direction and confidence in it. This fast will, by the way, include a total 'electronic' fast - no computers, no barbelith, no tv, no lights, nothing. As little of modern civilisation as possible, bearing in mind I was supposed to be heading into the Wilderness, but am, regrettably unable to do so (though this in itself I take to be communication).
Bear in mind, while fasting everything - everything that happens - is a communication from the sacred to the faster. Including, as far as I am concerned, in the preparation day before commencing.
So, I took my petition, carefully written, to the altar of my Beautiful Queen of the River. I made the offerings and read to this Spirit my intention, my petition, my request of the Universe. I felt great stirrings inside, loads of emotion as I did this - it was humble, sincere, and moving.
As I finished, ending, as I always do, with my Aramaic prayer, Her altar candle sputtered and the bottom (it was one of those 'bowl' style altar candles) melted out, spilling melted wax full of aniseeds, which are always sprinkled in there after a usual service, down my bookshelf. The wax and aniseed coated three books.
The first one I noticed was none other than 'One River'. A book about, first and foremost, the largest River in the World, the Spirit River, if you like, and secondly, though no to no lesser degree, about the shamanic practices of the Indians who live on it - one of which, of course, is my own as regulars here abouts will know.
So, One River. She was certainly listening.
The other book I noticed that got the drenching was none other than 'The Miracle of Fasting'. Heh. I think, I mean, something or someone seems to be telling me, that I'm doing the right thing here. One River and the Miracle of Fasting.
The other book to receive the touch of this 'coincidence' was on a different shelf. 'The Winds of Truth', a rare, channeled text from none other than Sao Miguel, Lord Mikaal, the Archangel Michael, Who is like God, and who, again regulars may know, is a Power I happen to work very very closely with. So I guess He will have some part to play in this episode as well.
Upon being struck by the personal significance of this 'communication' from my altar candle devoted to my River Queen and my petition, I glanced at the time : 6:44 pm. 21st May.
Using a very awesome divination technique I have learned for the I Ching, I was able to calculate the Symbol of Change the Great I this event occurring at this time happens to offer. 6:44 is Fire Below, Thunder Above, Radiance and the Rouser working together - this is none other than Gua 55 - Abundance. The date, 21/5 gives me just one moving line : Initial Nine, Line 1.
Gua 55, Abundance
Broadly speaking, a time of great abundance, in which exuberance and enthusiasm shine forth and illuminate all. The changing line indicates a meeting with a Great Person who will be Key to this transiton and radical transformation of fortune. The meeting will be mutually beneficial. A great Omen.
That my petition was so specifically for two key words : Prosperity and Abundance, and that this Gua should crop up through such a meaningful, to me, occurence at my altar is not to be taken lightly. I also note that, in Taoist I Ching translations, Gua 55 is connected with ridding oneself of all past sorrows and arguments and baggage, of cleaning out the past to make way for the Great Future...fasting, fasting, fasting before the Harvest.
The Mutual Gua for Abundance is none other than my recent New Best Friend, Gua 28, Da Xuo, Preponderance of the Great which, since that particular episode a few weeks back, I have cast at least 4 or 5 times in response to other situations. There is no doubt about it, I have a Preponderance of the Great! Radical Transformation Ahoy!
So then, how interesting, we have the Relating Gua - none other than Gua 62, Preponderance of the Small
At last! A total About Face! And pretty much exactly what the Change inherent in Abundance warns of, for nothing, most especially Abundance, is permanent. But if care is taken, if humility and smallness are nurtured, then the Change can be smooth and prosperous, beneficial and correct.
So there we go. If you remain quiet and receptive to the notion that the Sacred wishes to communicate with you, then you tend not to miss a trick, and the results can be quite startling.
Before I disappear for a fortnight, I thought I might leave this thread with a rather beautiful elaboration of these ideas by the poet Dale Pendell. I hope he and his publisher don't mind :-)
Though the Gods have the power of speech
more often they choose a flower or a plant;
elder leaves pressed on a blotter,
or spring buds emerging from a winter stem.
These messages they send -
so ordinary we often miss them:
an easy laughter and lightness,
or legs casually crossed and touching,
the way a serpentine dike blends seamlessly into bedrock
or the way two possible lovers move,
starting and stopping, passing and pausing
on an April trail.
The subtlest Oracles are always the most obvious -
seeing what's in front of us the most difficult:
a butterfly hatching from a ruptured dream,
or a splintered tree rooting in the soil wher it fell -
That those we've left endure or falter
does not mean that we must also -
the poison that bit us is also our medicine -
it is well to name things as they are.
Like that swampy Cree girl they call "Dries Things Out"
when they found her sitting by the stream,
a dragonfly on each palm,
all three drying together in the sun.
The Gods' whispers are never commands,
more like the place a steep trail has collapsed,
and sunlight offers the understory
a second chance.
And on that fine note, meu irmãos e meu irmãs, I shall bid thee good night! See you in a fortnight. |