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The Lovely Bones

haus of fraser
10:30 / 02.05.06
I realised what with other speculative threads there wasn't one for Barbelith favourite: Peter Jackson's latest adaptation of The Lovely Bones due in 2007.

For those that haven't read the novel- it tells the story of a teenage girl murdered by a serial killer- who then watches her family and friends from heaven as they try to put their lives back together.

IMDB tells me that he is writing, directing and producing. I'm quite excited about this- obviously it's going back to the territory explored in Heavenly Creatures. IMHO the first movie that told us Jackson was a bit more special than the tongue in cheek horror pastiches he was churning out in the early part of his career.

Rather like Heavenly Creatures, it explores secret worlds, adolescence and puberty from a female perspective. Unlike Kong- this movie will require a delicate hand- it's essentially a metaphorical journey about growing up.

My guess is that he'll want to shoot in NZ- which shouldn't make any difference to the movie- I do wonder how they'll cast it- complete unknown or Hollywood brats?

Has anybody got any news/ ideas/ thoughts on this- good move or disaster?

I'd personally like to see Jackson remake the last three Star Wars Films- but in the mean time this will do nicely.
12:02 / 02.05.06
I'm looking forward to the movie as I'm a big Jackson fan. Although to be honest, the reason I'm looking forward to seeing it as a film, is because I really didn't enjoy the novel... I'm hoping that the story plays out in a different manner in which it did in my head. Perhaps it's the way that I visualised the characters and how the kid looked down from heaven etc. I bought the book after enjoying The Time Travellers Wife, perhaps I wasn't ready for another story quite as traumatic as that.

It'll be interesting to see how it's all done anyhoo.
Cat Chant
13:32 / 02.05.06
Wow. Just to echo happenchance - I thought it was a terrible novel, but the intertext with Heavenly Creatures immediately re-piques my interest. Will be very interested to see what he does with it.
14:30 / 02.05.06
Oh. Bum.

I thought Lynne Ramsay was going to have this one. It seemed like familiar territory for her too, shame. Still, Jackson can prolly do something rather interesting with it.
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