Ey! Actually, in my experience, biofeedback worked! It was doing practises of electrocardiogram, and, yes, i was able to modify the machines lectures. That's an isolated personal experience, anyway. But it makes me not to close the door to biofeedback.
About Scientology and Emoto, well, maybe some ideas on them are good, but maybe after they are distorted but, who knows, authoritarian drives, crazy scientific egotism. Who knows. It's like third reich. In fact it is a revival of paganism (and occultism) but driven by fascist feelings, anger and destructive drives.
Putting together scientology, that is a well known-destructive group with emoto, biofeedback or even this thing of amygdala, doesn't make any sense to me, anyway.
In the other hand, i'm very interested on listening *arguments* against emoto or biofeedback. :-)
So well, yes, i'm only asking if anyone ACTUALLY has make an approach to neil slade's ideas to know a first hand oppinion, because the design of the web is very weirdo to go inmediately and buy the books. Altought there are sites from very intelligent people with that weirdo look (Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival is a good exemple)
Ey! you said infinitely irritating repellogif,but .... it rocks ! )