It's a 2007 Toyota Yaris, hatchback, standard, blah blah car information. I bought it in the beginning of March, and the dealership said it would arrive March 29th. It didn't, but they gave me a loaner for free until my car arrived. On Monday, they called, and I spent about 18,500 Canadian dollars (9,219.07 GBP or 13,324.34 EUR or 16,127.97 USD) on the vehicle. It's a great little car that provides lots of leg and head room for this tall gentleman. Here are some pics I took of it:

That's my old vehicle in the background, a '92 Dodge Spirit that runs like shit, but has no rust.

I put a new knob on the stick shift because the factory knob chaffed my palm. This one was less than thirty beans, so no worries!

Still haven't insured it, but that little thing on the passenger side is the paper saying I have to have insured the vehicle in seven days. In my province, driving without insurance is highly illegal.