In Germany you have to insist on reading what they write about you. And you need the skills to decipher what they wrote.
"Always tried his best to accomplish his duties and responsibilities."
= is a zero, failure, loser, etc.
"Always accomplished his duties to his and the corporation´s satifaction."
= thief
"her sociable ways helped improving the work climate"
= alcoholic
"had the opportunity to to acquire the necessary skills"
= but did not use it
"always very capable and voiced her opinion."
= barrater, bellyacher, grouser, grumbler
"impeccable behaviour" = behaviour was not commendable
"always accomplished the duties, that were given to him to our satifaction."
= had no initiative, only did what he was told
There are other tricks too.
1) always write about the person in a passive voice
2) mention things that are circumstantial [debasement]
3) keep it short (=raises suspicions, that shortcoming are omitted) |