Sweat of the Lizard King:
Two ounces of coke dissolved in a shot of PCP, with a bottle of cheap bourbon as chaser, just to get that sense of inflated self-image going. served with a dessicated iguana, salt, and a lemon half.
Not unlike tequila shooters, drinking a Lizard King has a ritual:
.take the shot
.stand atop the bar
.sway and pivot hips, sort of sensual-like
.announce one's divinity in semi-coherent
fashion, then flash/wag genitalia
.pour bourbon into one's mouth and across
one's naked torso, still swaying, etc.
.snort thesalt, lick the iguana, suck the
lemon half. or some combination of these
verbs and nouns
.assume Christ-like posture
.fall off the bar top.
And apparently insensitive missed the sign on the entrance declaring this an ontologically-troll-free environment. What with the weapon and the egomania, I figured we could stick him out front as a bouncer, to ward off Reformed Robot Man. |