I've been meaning to start this thread for a long, long time and now I will. Like what are you listening to, this is a thread for ranting about gigs you've been to and telling your brother/sister 'Lither what's going down. As the young people used to say.
So, to start. I went to see Whitehouse last night. Humm.... I'd never heard any of their music but went along because I know some of the people here love them and if you don't check out new stuff life is going to get boring.
Saying all that it was the first gig I walked out of.
Now this isn't all the bands fault, in fact I blame the support acts. One of the bands were the Low Tech Apostles. 3 po faced bastards who played a 40 minute set of droning with one of them bellowing through a microphone stuck in his mouth. At ear shredding volume. I was getting a little pissed off at what was, well, shite, but lo they fucked of to the scowls for the crowd. Then on came Whitehouse. Or they didn't. Some guys played an hour of the hardest techno I've ever heard, slowing down to drop in an Atari Teenage Riot sample was one thing but when they broke 250bpm I started to lose the will to live.
Finally Whitehouse take the stage. I last 2 songs. I'm sorry if I sound like a wuss but the smugness of 2 guys playing white noise, actually, that's not fair, it had far more of a tune that I expected, but all I could make out of the lyrics is that they liked to shout fuck. A lot.
So with the end of my tether nowhere in sight, I had to walk out of the pub, being sneered at by people with beards. I recon I could have made it through the gig if the supports weren't so shit, It could have been like the Coil gig, like being smacked in the face at the start but amazing by the end, but no I had leg it.
Not the best spending of €16. Oh well, I'm going to see Bolt Thrower tonight, it should be more my thing.
Wow, that was more a rant than review. |