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Prison Break (UK Thread, will contain Spoliers)

Jawsus-son Starship
22:29 / 31.03.06
I can't believe that no-one is talking about this! Ok, so what I wanna talk about is where we think it'll be going, do we think that everyone will survive the end of the series, discusions about possible events and the like. Also, do we think that it'll stay good, do we not like it, etc. Standard stuff.

personally, I can't see Sucre surviving - he's too much the partner character, who'll be killed to show that anyone can die.

haus of fraser
20:03 / 15.01.07
Ok so a hardly touched thread from last year?!!

I thought i'd really hate this show but have become slowly sucked in- I started half watching the first series while SO was sucked in from the start only to be gripped by the finale.

The tube ad campaign has got me more excited about this than any recent series of Lost or 24

Nobody else watching?

Series two is just about to start on channel 5- Fuck Jade Goody- this is where the good TV is tonight.

So to recap- we're now out of the Prison, on the run the president is dead- murdered by the vice president- and the escape plane has just left without em!!!!

its starting now....
Evil Scientist
09:36 / 16.01.07
Seeing as there's no flicker of life on the BSG:UK thread I may as well hop in on my other favourite US import.

Harsh ending.

I guess we'll find out next week whether T-Bag's managed to locate the best damn vet in all of Creation. More likely though he'll be T-Bag of the Wonky Hand.

I thought it was a little odd that the brothers are trying to cut the others loose so soon (especially since they know about the cash). Although Plan B presumably requires only two people to be involved.
haus of fraser
11:50 / 16.01.07
The whole T-Bag hand op was ridiculous- of course its gonna work- but also why i love the show- just like the tattoos of the prison on Schofields body- ridiculous but gripping and entertaining at the same time.


i had a quick look on IMDB and It looks like we're loosing Abruzzi and C-bone soon- they are only listed as being in the next 2 episodes although it seems Sucre will survive...
Evil Scientist
12:37 / 16.01.07

Umm, any chance we can avoid spoilers on this thread (perhaps start another a little less straight-edge)? S'not a big deal but arguably we could just run a load of spoilers direct off wikipedia as season 2's been running in the US for a while.

That said...

I reckon Abrussi and C-Bone'll split from the others rather than getting caught. Abrussi may have bigger fish to fry (the witness he wanted to get revenge on) and C-Bone may figure he'll have a better chance at the money on his own. They'll be out of a few episodes much the same way as Abrussi was out when he got his throat slashed.

At least I hope so. Sucre's rather dull I find.

Regarding T-Bag. Yeah it's all part of the gloriously fantastical nature of PB isn't it? He'll no doubt have full use and need no antibiotics.

Which is good because what's PB without the most totally evil man on the planet?
Evil Scientist
12:40 / 16.01.07
Ah, ignore me. Just saw the WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS part of the title.

I really shouldn't play with the combat memes, they make my brainpan go all wrong.
haus of fraser
14:30 / 16.01.07

i'm looking forward to the predictable second man hunt from T-bag- so while the police miss em the notorious sex offender with one hand'll be able to track em down! whilst he goes un-noticed by the cops.
Evil Scientist
06:33 / 17.01.07
whilst he goes un-noticed by the cops.

Not if he continues in his habit of "negotiating with screwdriver" he won't.
Evil Scientist
07:34 / 23.01.07
So T-Bag's back up to his regular quotient of hands with apparently only a small amount of nerve damage. So that really was the best damn vet in all the world then (he's wasted on cats if he can do microsurgery to that standard!).

Hind-sight's a marvellous thing but really, if you were the vet and T-Bag said he was going to kill you, wouldn't you just punch him as hard as possible on that recently re-attached hand? Sure he managed to sit through surgery without pain-killers but it'd give you enough time to get out the door and away.

Tweener's off being rather suspicious to all and sundry. Expecting an "on-the-run" romance to spring up between him and his new travelling companion.

Michael and Lincoln's assault on the courthouse was doomed to failure as soon as Mahone picked up on the phonecall really. Also Michael's probably not used to planning stuff without an overly elaborate tattoo to guide him. (I'm somehow expecting this business with Linc's son to form the basis of the end of this season/start of the next, a prison break-in to rescue him).

I don't know if it's a cultural thing, but I thought Michael's natty suit/baseball cap combo looked pretty damn suspicious.

Next week: Brad Bellick, bounty hunter! "No disintegrations."
Evil Scientist
07:15 / 06.02.07

Oh well, he had himself a cool death scene. I had kind of assummed he was the one walking into the ambush, the fun of Prison Break Season 2 is everyone scattered all over the place desperately trying to avoid the law. Having the resources of the mob behind you would sort of detract from that.

T-Bag's leaving a trail of corpses behind him (yet still, apparently, managing to stay off the radar far better than anybody else). Chilling little scene with him trying to groom the teenage daughter.

I am starting to yearn for the days of S1 when Lincoln was locked in a cell on his own because he doesn't half whinge.
yawn - thing's buddy
17:38 / 07.02.07
this has got Highlander 2 written all over it.

ie. brilliant!

drags a little tho, compared to season 1.

can't imagine its gathered many new viewers but what the hell - I'm watching.
Benny the Ball
09:21 / 28.06.07
I've got the box set of this recently, and must say that it's incredibly compelling and fun. The first few episodes were almost like a comedy in their execution (excuse the pun!) - the exchange between Pope and Michael ending with them repeating the phrase 'properly propergated' a few times, the whole taj mahal thing, Heywire - then it got all serious, but still great. Sucre is about the only character inside that isn't working for me, and the outside story is just not as good. The flash back episode though was a real turning point for me, apart from one or two duff lines it was one of the best hours of television that I've seen in a long time. I've got 3 more episods to watch.
20:52 / 29.08.07
Just finished watching seasons 1 and 2 back to back. This is a great series, a bit nonsensical from now and then (the conspiracy stuff borders a bit on the charicature), but this happens all the time in Lost anyway.
Nice two self contained seasons, even if the second one drags a bit in the beggining. But the concept behind season 3 shows a lot of promise.
Benny the Ball
07:33 / 30.08.07
Okay - just started season 2 - still waiting for some genius moments to come up, the flash back episode from season one is still the highlight. Glad that the gang are allmost all together again, John Abrutsi was ridiculous though.
15:52 / 30.08.07
Season 2 takes a few episodes to actually lift off. Around episode 9.
Evil Scientist
12:16 / 17.10.07
Spoilers if you're not watching on Sky.

Okay, Prison Break has very few female characters in it probably due to the nature of the beast. However I'm noticing a worrying trend for the murder and dismemberment of interesting female characters simply to provoke drama.

Prison Break looks like it's starting to fall into the Women in Refridgerators trap.

This thread is a better place for me to complain than Headsick, it's specific to viewers in the UK (which is currently just rolling the third season).

According to Wikipedia:

Towards the end of the production of the second season of Prison Break, Callies' pregnancy was announced. With the pregnancy not incorporated into the show, the story was written in such a way to account for Sara's disappearance during Callie's maternity leave. At the time Paul Scheuring commented, "It actually fits into what we were already planning." He also claimed that the original treatment would have included "explanations for why she wasn't in the first [batch] of episodes" of the third season, later revealing that it would set up a planned 13-episode story arc that would ultimately culminate with her character's death.

However, due to Callies and the show's producers being unable to agree on a new contract, the character was suddenly killed off in the fourth episode. Her sparse appearances during the season (including the use of stand-ins with their faces obscured) and her gruesome, off screen death was the result of working around the inability to film additional scenes with the actress, as well as for dramatic and emotional impact.

Translation...ooh this'll really piss off Michael when he finds out won't it. Ooh he'll be all angel of vengence now won't he?

Fuck sake. There had to have been a less shit way to do this. Season 2 started off with Veronica being killed and dismembered. It's an ugly trend.
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