Really? I think Gary Coleman is pretty well known here, particularly by the kind of people who would watch Avenue Q.
And I do know the difference between Soundtrack and Original Cast Recording, I'm just lazy. I have a degree in Theatre Studies so I should know better.
Sesame Street is well known over here, by the way. The similarity between Rod and Nicky and Bert and Ernie will be easily noticed.
iamus, that's pretty much exactly my experience too. Spooky.
And what's it about?
Princeton is a young puppet straight out of college with no idea what he's going to do in life (What do you do with a B.A. in English?) and the only place he can afford to rent is in the down at heel Avenue Q where everyone is in a similar rut (hence It sucks to be me).
There he makes friends with Trekkie Monster (like Cookie Monster but with less social skills), unemployed wannabe comedian Brian, his asian american fiance Christmas Eve (who sings the show stopping Ballad (the more you ruv someone), Rod (repressed homosexual conservative) his flatmate, the slacker Nicky, the superintendant Gary Coleman ("I'm Gary Coleman from T.V.'s Different Strokes, I made a lot of money that got stolen by my folks) and most particularly Katie Monster who he gradually falls in love with.
The plot throws in Brian and Eves marriage, Princton and Kate getting together and splitting up when he sleeps with a slutty puppet, Rods eventual coming out (after singing about his fake girlfriend from Canada) and basically adresses the way life is in that post college pre rest of your life gap with songs dealing with modern life like 'Everyones a little bit racist', 'The Internet (is for porn).
There are gloriously sweet ballads like 'There's a fine, fine line', and the sweet 'I wish I could go back to college' and culminates with a charity drive to make Kates dream of a school for monsters come true.
It ends with Princeton and Kate back together (For Now).
It's very much reflective of my life and probably a lot more peoples too. And it's funny, the songs are catchy, as clever as The Simpsons, and you can hear excerpts of songs on their Broadway website or see fan made videos or clips from productions over at www.youtube.com, if you search for Avenue Q, The Internet is for porn, or Everyones a little but racist. |