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Star Trek Fan Collective Sets

02:48 / 29.03.06
So today I purchased for 40 bucks Canadian, a sharp four disc set that gathers the best Borg-themed episodes as voted by the fans. Here are the episodes:
1. ST:ENT's "Regeneration"
2. ST:TNG's "Q Who?"
3. ST:TNG's "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I"
4. ST:TNG's "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"
5. ST:TNG's "I Borg"
6. ST:TNG's "Descent, Part I"
7. ST:TNG's "Descent, Part II"
8. ST:VOY's "Scorpion, Part I"
9. ST:VOY's "Scorpion, Part II"
10. ST:VOY's "Drone"
11. ST:VOY's "Dark Frontier" (double-length)
12. ST:VOY's "Unimatrix Zero, Part I"
13. ST:VOY's "Unimatrix Zero, Part II"
14. ST:VOY's "Endgame" (double-length)

Notice that "Best of Both Worlds" pretty much makes the set. I bought this for a couple reasons: I love Star Trek but there are a lot - and I mean a lot - of bad "filler" or "spotlight" episodes that add little to the overall mythology or the dramatic development of the characters. There are good filler episodes, though. Anyway, these filler episodes make the pricey full season sets somewhat unattractive. So, I get this little number that culls some of the more exciting and important episodes of Trek history.

Soon there is a Time Travel set:
1. Disc 1: Star Trek: The Original Series #21 - "Tomorrow is Yesterday"
includes text commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda
2. Star Trek: The Original Series #28 - "The City on the Edge of Forever"
3. Star Trek: The Next Generation #163 - "Yesterday's Enterprise"
includes text commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda
4. Star Trek: The Next Generation #218 - "Cause and Effect"

Disc 2:
5. Star Trek: The Next Generation #226 - "Time's Arrow, Part I"
6. Star Trek: The Next Generation #227 - "Time's Arrow, Part II"
7. Star Trek: The Next Generation #747 - "All Good Things..."

Disc 3:
8. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #480 - "Little Green Men"
includes text commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda
9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #503 - "Trials and Tribble-ations"
10. Star Trek: Voyager #176 - "Year of Hell, Part I"
11. Star Trek: Voyager #177 - "Year of Hell, Part II"

Disc 4:
12. Star Trek: Voyager #828 - "Endgame"

Notice the overlap on the fourth disc. Been there, done that. Also, there is a Q set coming out two months from the Time Travel set. Predictably it will include episodes already featured on the first two sets (All Good Things, Q Who? etc) I'm debating purchasing these subsequent sets. I don't know.

Do you think these Fan Collective sets are cheap commercial crap, double-dips as they say? Or are they attractive because they edit out the unimportant episodes?

Spyder Todd 2008
13:47 / 29.03.06
I for one am just glad that TNG season sets are starting to go down to almost 50 bucks a pop. If only the others would too. Who the hell can afford $100 a season of when you have 24 seasons to buy? (Enterprise doesn't really count, you know)
14:15 / 29.03.06
Moderately off-topic, but watch me link it:

the X-Files first six season sets have been repackaged and repriced, going for about 50 dollars Canadian, which is still somewhat pricey considering the same size season of Gilmore Girls could set you back 40 bucks. The X-Files, unlike said teen drama, has been releasing best-of compiliations as well, except they are thematically linked to a "mythology," like the "Black Oil" set or the "Abduction" set. With the X-Files, I'd think I'd rather have the whole story. The X-Files was one of the first TV shows to be released on DVD and they were formerly priced at over 120 dollars a set! Yowza! This re-pricing makes purchasing the sets that much more attractive.

(Just watched ST:VOY's "Scorpion Part 1" this morning. Woo! I'm excited for the other double-eps. I find that Voyager had much more bad-ass moments with the Borg. Just another reason why I liked it more than DS9.)
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