Hoom. Buk, I’d say the answer Mr Phox has given to your question is substantially the answer I would have given, although rather more articulately put than I myself might have managed. I would also like to add that unsurprisingly my personal political predilections are more than a little left wing and so I do feel that while government should not aim to be wilfully anti business, that one of it’s fundamental tasks ought to be to regulate and control business, with the aim of greatly reducing or preferably eradicating exploitation of workers by employers.
At the moment I feel that in the most countries of which I have any knowledge the law is already stilted to far in favour of business over the workers and I so I feel that any move to swing the pendulum farther in that directly would be quite unreasonable and really ought to be resisted. The balance is quite possibly considerably more healthy in France at current than in many other countries although I tend to be of the opinion that this is largely only because the French people have proven themselves time and again to be prepared to fight to keep it that way.
It’s also especially galling to me at the moment that a number of governments around the world are currently only too happy to introduce law after law reducing the freedoms of the ordinary citizen, whilst at the same time these governments seem dead set on introducing laws which allow the corporations more freedom to behave in any manner which they seem fit.
My, this post has possibly taken on some of the essential characteristics of a soap-box, for which I can only apologize, if such is needed and bring the dratted thing to an end. |