That is one fuckin' amazing tat, SFD!

Yours are sweet too, Floats...
One small comment regarding (not to be taken as a criticism, nor an endorsement, please?):
quote:...the design is actually projecting outwards
In a sense, everything projects outwards, ya? Or as an old friend used to say, "Everything gets outside of itself."
PS: I also have a magically inspired tat, but I have not the web savvy to post a picture of it! Unfortunately (heh—cheers Ierne!), it has some Celtic overtones! Runes for binding, runes for forces, runes for words: "cut, splice, paste, loop" (like YHVH or N, E, S, W or fire, water, air, earth or such other 4s), oroborous, the GO (look again: eye in triangle), sun & moon, and of course, (k)nots!