*Threadrot- Capitals wasn't meant as shouting, more banging my head against the table due to the state of the music forum- I definitely want to hear more and have more discussion here. ze also says that ze just got back from SXSW- and from Rosies profile i can see that home is London- so i was assuming a similar time zone. anyways apologies if i sounded off - i just want to talk about music *rot ends*
Back on topic I believe that sxsw featured Flaming Lips, Morrisey, The Rakes, 80's Matchbox B Line Disaster, The Young Knifes, Magic Numbers, Art Brut, Dirty Pretty Things, New Pornographers, Belle & Sebastian, The Datsuns, deus, ESG, Comanechi, The Go! Team and loads loads more.
I'd always assumed it worked like a kind of music industry Edinburgh festival with a band in every bar? or is it more like Cannes- where sections of the town become the festival- but the rest carries on as normal. What's the audience made up from - bands and industry bods- or do loads of music fans come into town like edinburgh.
What's Flatstock- or am i missing a joke?
All these questions make me sound like that kid from the ask Frank ads... |