I did some work with Fotamecus pre-2000, starting with a drunken adaptation of the Fotamecus Empowerment Rite. I had some successes in manipulating time, but we kind of drifted apart. I sort of lost interest and anyway I got heavily involved in the study of signal analysis, which is rather mired in Chronos' take on time (the way I see it, anyhow).
The topic starter's phrase I'm getting reacquainted with some old friends (Legba, Ganesh, Ragged Robin, Fotamecus, the Morrigan) and mabye sussing out some new ones (Odin) strikes me as jarring now.
At the time I was working with Fotamecus, I had thoroughly bought into the theory behind Fotamecus' creation--to wit, that it is possible to charge a sigil such that it becomes an independant thoughtform, whichcan be strengthened through repeated chargings, and that using this method it is even possible to create a new God, and that a similar process of fortification via the energy of belief was responsible for the creation of all existing Gods; the logical conclusion of all this being that there is some kind of equivalency between newly created consciousnesses like Fotamecus, pop-culture icons, and Gods.
My ongoing magical development has taken me in such a direction that I'm forced to conclude that this is in fact a load of bollocks, but I've gone into all that elsewhere. (Which is not to say that I have a problem with Fotamecus, who always seemed like a perfectly pleasant chap.) |