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Mod Note: stalking and impersonation in the Gathering

Goodness Gracious Meme
10:06 / 22.03.06
copied and pasted from Flyboy's post in the Policy:



This isn't Haus - it's someone pretending to be him, for whatever reason. Weirdly, this suit appears to have been used for at least semi-normal posting in the past.

This, therefore, isn't a friendly request for a drink - it's a very deliberate attempt to impersonate someone, and lure their friends and acquaintances to a pub it's known that Barbelith people do drink in, under false pretences and with God knows what intentions.

It's all distinctly creepy, bordering on terrifying. Prior to this point, in The Gathering myself and other Barbelithers in London and beyond have been fairly open in naming times and places where we intend to meet. However, I know that there are people who exercise more caution than that - I've always thought that was a shame, and wanted to keep to a principle that, even if it does just end up being the same dozen people, theoretically a Barbelith gathering is open to anyone from the board to turn up to. You would think, wouldn't you, that anyone who had bad blood with the board simply wouldn't want to turn up? You would think that it wouldn't be necessary for people here to arrange their meet-ups with other Lithers in private, let alone to give a wide berth to a pub they might otherwise drink in? But it appears you might be wrong.


Just re-posting this here where hopefully most people will see it.

Worrying. To say the least
10:17 / 22.03.06
Worrying indeed - but mostly just sad.
10:19 / 22.03.06
Sad in a mind-wrenchingly weird way.
10:26 / 22.03.06
Gross. One more reason never to change my username.
8===>Q: alyn
11:13 / 22.03.06
Aren't you all tired of jumping when this putz says frog?
11:21 / 22.03.06
Your concern is touching, New Jersey.
11:29 / 22.03.06
But seriously...

Mainly, I feel pity for whoever has done this. Having to pretend to be somebody else to get any replies to a suggestion of beer is pretty sad. Having to pretend to be me is just awful.

"Hey, I need to pretend to be somebody more popular than me... I know, Haus! People like Haus more than they like me."

I mean, Christ.

As it is, I think we've reacted about appropriately. Highlight that this is an impostor, lock the thread, put a warning up for shipping, then suggest a pint.
8===>Q: alyn
11:31 / 22.03.06
I'm as concerned as the next guy, but I think if you (generic you) start worrying about Mr. C hiding across from the pub with a sniper rifle you're sort of playing into his hands. That's all. I'm hoping to head off any hysterics.
8===>Q: alyn
11:32 / 22.03.06
Evil Scientist
11:51 / 22.03.06
I'm hoping to head off any hysterics.

Fair enough, but the response thus far has been calm and considered. People are understandably weirded out by it, that's all.
Cat Chant
12:12 / 22.03.06
put a warning up for shipping


... oh, wait...
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
14:11 / 22.03.06
Dammit, now I'm confused as to whether I met the real Haus or the fake Haus. Everyone SEEMED to know him...but they could have just been playing along.

Do we need to create some sort of test to judge Haus' Haus-ness? Or something?

I dunno. Its early and I haven't eaten yet. Off to class.
14:24 / 22.03.06
Actually, Bard, we may as well admit it by now. There is no 'barbelith' and there aren't really all these 'posters'. There's actually only ten of Tom's filipino houseboys, locked in a room full of computers 24 hours a day on pain of death, and forced to type endless 'posts' under assumed identities to the crack of the whip all the while. We only do it to steal the credit card details of innocents signing up for new membership. We have to keep Tom in Tennent's Super and heroin somehow, after all.

I've said too much already. Oh, dear.
14:36 / 22.03.06

velvetvandal? who? never heard of him.
14:46 / 22.03.06
whether I met the real Haus or the fake Haus

Haus piracy funds organised crime and terrorism. FACT!
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
15:34 / 22.03.06
Velvetvandal, so what you're saying is that "Barbelith" is really just my solipistic reality where only *I* am the real person?

Yay! I always knew I was Teh One!
16:24 / 22.03.06
I think it would be quite nifty if the fake Haus looked exactly like the real Haus, right down to wearing the exact same clothes. And they could do the old "I'm the real Haus! Shoot him!" "No, I'm the real Haus! Shoot him!" bit.

Then maybe they could wrestle.
16:29 / 22.03.06
We could just ask the Hausim about Menander Rhetor. Although if no one else has read it, that might be less effective than otherwise.
Dead Megatron
16:31 / 22.03.06
Maybe Haus is being cloned. and soon we'll be overflown by an army of Hauses. Thank Unicron I have a fusion cannon in my arm...

joking aside, this is creepy.
Spatula Clarke
16:36 / 22.03.06
I'm not entirely sure it's all that creepy unless you want it to be, to be honest. Idiotic, yes, but I doubt that anybody with the time and energy to hack or crack into an old suit in order to pursue a rather pathetic online vendetta - or to register a suit two years in advance for the same purpose - is capable of leaving their own house, let alone going to a place populated by other people.
Dead Megatron
16:47 / 22.03.06
I think it would be quite nifty if the fake Haus looked exactly like the real Haus, right down to wearing the exact same clothes. And they could do the old "I'm the real Haus! Shoot him!" "No, I'm the real Haus! Shoot him!" bit.

That's easy to solve. The real Haus is the one who has read Menander of Laodicea's treatise on epideictic rhetoric...
16:48 / 22.03.06
That sounded suspiciously like a dare, E.
Spatula Clarke
17:10 / 22.03.06
Yeah, sorry - the end of that post was supposed to say somehting different and it wasn't until it went up that I realised my fingers had been unable to resist the urge to have a dig.

What I *meant* to say is that it's far more likely that this knobber, whoever this knobber may be, posted that thread for a number of reasons, none of which have anything to do with wanting to follow Barbelith Poster X home from the pub.

Ze may have had a brilliant scheme to have people get annoyed with Haus by sending them to a pub to meet him and find that he hadn't turned up. Ze may simply have thought that it'd be pretty goddamn hysterical (oh, Vlad - racist prick you may be, but what was hopefully your parting shot will never [be allowed to] die). Ze may have wanted precisely the reaction that a rather large chunk of replies to these threads have already provided - a lot of fuss and worry.

I'd say those are more likely than it being the first step in a plan to go stabby-stabby.
17:32 / 22.03.06
Presumably it was a JOKE!!!1!1!! which, as we all know, effectively explains/quashes/trumps any and all suggestion of improper behaviour. Assuming, that is, that one has a SENSE OF HUMOR!!!1 etc.
20:16 / 22.03.06
Okay, Boboss is feeling guilty, but unfortunately baby duties are keeping me away from the board.

PM me if my input is needed.
20:30 / 22.03.06
(I'm a Gathering mod)
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