I have an idea for a creative project in the area where I’m living. I'd love input towards moving it into action. It’s an urban area in the U.K. (English West Midlands), not affluent, predominantly “white” with few Black families and some east-asian-origin families and student households. There’s a Sure Start nursery down the road.
I want to see stone fruit (plums etc), top fruit (like apples) and soft fruit bushes (e.g., raspberries, blackcurrants) growing semi-wild on most of the common ground & waste ground areas. The idea is to inspire & remind people how easy it is to grow food in this area. Aesthetically I want the area where I live to be a place where food is not something that's kept locked up. I want fruit and nuts to be free for the taking all around this area. Lots of kinds can potentially grow here with little attention: plums, damsons, apples, pears, hazels, (walnuts too perhaps if it’s a bit elevated above frost), blackcurrants, raspberries, gooseberries, redcurrants for example.
I've spotted an almost infinite number of potential sites – a hundred metres of empty park edging could be planted with soft fruit, small empty beds on the streets in the estate could take an apple sapling and some fruits bushes and herbs, planted woodland areas in a park a bit further away could have fruit trees snuck in to replace trees that died, and if I get through all of those there are more acres of wild land next to the railway down the street.
Has anyone here done anything similar? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience. (Unless it's relentlessly negative, in which case please leave me to find out for myself.)
Any suggestions about sources of funding? I guess a few hundred pounds would actually set it off to a good start, as I hope I will be able to transplant runners and cuttings in subsequent years. I've wondered about raising funds informally (asking family, friends, colleagues for donations), as well as formally (applying for grants from charities and other accessible funds). If I am going to formally apply for funding, how best to measure success for my objectives?
Should I plan & budget for replacing saplings if they are damaged by neighbourhood yoof (who seem particularly prone to random vandalism), or not? I guess there would be some attrition from wildlife and disease as well.
Is ground pollution something to worry about? What if the ground turns out to be polluted with lead or cadmium and people exacerbate their exposure through eating this “wild fruit”?
Would it help to protect the saplings if I make them look “officially planted” – tree stakes, rabbit guards etc? Or would it be better to make them look as unobtrusive as possible?
What else do I need to consider, that I've not yet thought of?
Thanks for any positive contributions! |