Thank you all for making me feel less alone in this. I think Xoc has summed up the script very well.
What interests me, having thought about it for a little longer, is that I think Syriana may be either kill or cure for a very specific section of filmmaking currently that has grown very quickly, very recently.
Ever since the boom in ticket / dvd sales for documentaries, leading up to Fahrenheit 9/11 and then, in it's wake (I believe), others such as The Yes Men and The Corporation films seem overall to be more 'willing' to tackle greater or more contentious issues in order to sell off the back of controversy - Lord of War for the Arms Industry, The Constant Gardener for the Pharmaceutical Industry, and now Syriana , among others.
Which means that, on the strength of Syriana's critical response and box office sales, we could be in for a lot more "Social Conscience" movies which is, dependent on your viewpoint, either a good thing or a bad thing. This, however, is the more 'favourable' of the potential outcomes, to my mind - in strictly relative terms, the 'cure'. This is because it tackles, out of the examples above, arguably the most pertinent Industrial topic at the moment, and it has awards and stars behind it.
On the other hand, because of the publicity, star power and awards, this may be potentially the last 'Social Conscience' movie for a while if it goes down like a lead balloon with the audience or, specifically, the critics - I've already heard it referred to (in Private Eye, no less) as Sorryana, which seems a bit previous.
I'm going to see it again, with someone else, then I'll revisit this idea, but for now - am I making sense, or just gibbering in the wind? |