cheers, loomis. that fist link was most insightful 
had never quite got the 'batsman offered / didn't offer a shot' bit - and while the whole pitching in-line seemed reasonable, i'd never cottoned on to differences in the rules between the ball pitching leg or off...
now, for american football: when the player scoops the ball back to the quarterback [?], this player often casts the ball down field to a team mate haring past the huge mountains of flesh and padding in their way...
q: can this [second, running] player catch the ball, then throw it again to another team mate?? if so, why does this so rarely happen? and if not, can anyone explain why the rule exists - what does it do for the play, which team is most aided by this ban, if one exists?
must say, i have found that many sports can be watched and the commentators - especially if it is a climactic, season finale game - will by and by give the nub of the rules and one can sit and pretty well understand much of the concept and the challenge facing the players. have seen a couple of finals of gaelic football, for example, and pretty much get why players do things they do, and even spot when he/she should have done better! (though running up to the umpire with a little bit of paper when coming on as a sub in gaelic football makes the big burly men seem chided!)
i have consistently found american football commentators to be particularly poor at talking to non-adherents in their call. they assume a great deal of their audience, so i have never really 'got' this game. lots of stop/start and changing of teams, long long ad breaks and no-one telling me why...
anyone? |