Tomorrow morning I embark on a 5 day journey to Oklahoma. I’ll probably be without posting capabilities during these days, as I’ll be suffering through my cousin’s wedding. I don’t know if anyone on the board lives or enjoys the state of Oklahoma- if you do, I apologize in advance for any insult I’m about to bring.
Because I fucking hate Oklahoma.
I like my cousin and aunt, I really do. But I hate where they live. Maybe it’s because they live in the country, 30 miles from anywhere and I’m an urbanite. Maybe it’s because I feel uncomfortable about this wedding. Maybe it’s because my aunt has 7 dogs and not a single one is properly house trained (grossness!). I don’t know what in particular it is, but I really do not want to go on this trip.
The whole thing has me marginally depressed. But Oklahoma is depressing. The state had tattoo parlors banned until last summer. That’s a level of repression I don’t know how to even begin to categorize. Maybe it’s just the atmosphere, the feel of the place. Somehow, though, just being in Oklahoma makes me feel uncomfortable. It makes my skin crawl all the way back north, and I’ll desperately want a shower as soon as I get home. It’s not all that rational, but whatever.
Plus the wedding is on St. Patrick’s day of all things, so there goes partying big time. Lame, I say. But they didn’t ask my opinion about any thing regarding this fiasco. (I can’t believe I let my cousin talk me into being in the party. Why did I listen to her? Oy.) It’s simply one more blow in a series of annoyances that I’m anticipating this week.
Anyway, I just wanted to wish all of you well- especially the newcomers who are getting a feel for the place, and Boboss’ family who have their own newcomer- and I guess I’ll see everyone next week. Hopefully I won’t miss anything too important.
Be seeing you smart attractive people, you! |