quote:Originally posted by Lothar Tuppan:
From what I remember, depending on who's using the term it either means 'Jesus' or 'Satan'. I'm not positive but I'm under the impression that the Cathars might have meant both as one in the same.
Now this I like 'cause it's another one of those (a, b) = s type of things, ya? Where a:= Jesus, b:= Satan, and s:= Rex Mundi. [note that ':=' means, loosely, "is defined as"]
quote:[monkey...] sez:
one could further look at the intentionality of naming the opposing sides "Church" - implying dogmatism, orthodoxy, hence control - and "College" - hence heterodoxy, questioning, hence freedom.
And that might be, say, a "standard interpretation" but I would not hesitate to add that we could look at "deviant interpretations" where "Church" might imply rebirth, community, love, and hence, freedom and where "college" could imply brainwashing, conformity, indoctrination, and thus, control.
It always seemed to me that the big question of The Invisibles (as it was marketed in many a promo) was, "What side are you on?" and the answer to this question was, "there are no sides," or, "the sides are interchangeable," or "the sides are a synthesis," or, "the sides are an interdependent co-arrising," or etc.
[Monkey...] also says:
quote:The thing is, you can play po forever, and never run out of connections....
and ain't that the BIG truth/lie, ya? The set of possible interpretations is uncountably infinite (in contrast to the countably infinite—there are different sizes of infinities, btw), and so, you can never run out of novel ways to connect the dots.
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