I think it's certainly making me stronger as an individual.
The thing that burns also tempers, cliche though that may be. Good luck and God's blessings, LVX. Hope your eyes can keep weathering the storm and seeing the beauty in it all.
Timely topic indeed. Not that I was ever terribly prolific at posting, this being the only part of Barbelith I was initially interested in, and I've been very irregular in the last few years - busy putting things to practice. Lately I noticed that my passion for 'teh magick' had wained - I was still going with some meditative techniques, but that was about it. The spark dimmed. At the same time, I got really interested in finding a way to chat with my local city through street art. Made something beautiful, allegedly put it up. Found turning grey wall to art an alchemical process. Exciting as hell, too. Makes one feel less alone.
Got caught, released, warrant issued, turned myself in, made bail, awaiting court hearing. Can't talk that particular way anymore to the concrete and glass. "I was expressing with my full capabilities. Now I'm living in correctional facilities." Felt like I was reborn into blue skies and freedom when I got out. This is also the semester I was kicked out of school, got back in, found out my Mom is somewhat ill. And it's my last semester of school and I have no hard plans for next year.
Chaos. On the plus side, I've been slowly drawing myself back to magic. Or magic's been slowly pulling me back towards itself. It's like what Benecio del Toro's character said in Sin City about smoking. "You never really quit."
Magician's a magician when the chips are down. But now I feel like I'm on the way up. Weathered a midnight snack at the Diner of the Soul's Dark Night. Going somewhere grand for breakfast. Been looking into a performance of that 1950s red Cadillac of magical operations. Ye Olde Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Seems like someone I should learn of and listen to. |