
I had this conversation in the real world the other day about pick-up lines. One of my rather good-looking male friends had a few complex pick-up lines that worked. They were cheesy and rather annoying (one involved a rather complex use of the Coldplay DVD; "Chicks are suckers for Coldplay")
I was under the impression that when a person responds to a pick-up line, ze is responding to the speaker, not to the content of their line. In other words, once the target responds to the line, the picker-upper has the target in his nefarious clutches.
I don't use pick-up lines, because they don't really work for me. I'm not the world's best looking fellow, so I must use a strategic combo of charm and smarts. Ah, who am I kidding? I just don't "pick" people up. I think it's somewhat childish, considering the content of some pick-up lines I have heard. I'd rather just get to know the person and maybe have a relationship (sexual or not), instead of merely fucking them and asking them to leave. But, to each hir own...
Without much further ado, here are some hilarious pick-up lines that can't possibly work. Feel free to share your experiences of pick-ups, on the giving or receiving end....
The word of the the day is legs. Let's go to your house and spread the word.
If you were a burger at McDonalds, you would be called McGorgeous!
Do you like raisins? [What?] Nevermind, let's go fuck.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.
There are others, but this are painful enough...
And here is a nice resource for pick-up lines. |