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Ultraviolet, the shit film

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:38 / 06.03.06
This movie was utter crap.

I would post a spoiler warning, but I am still unsure what happened in the movie beyond a lot of guys wearing glass armor getting wrecked.

Apparently theres a virus that makes people total bad ass vampires, the government used them as super soldiers for a while, but then decided to kill all of them.

Despite being vampires and having fangs, the infected never actually drink blood and can go out in daylight, even the ones with a self proclaimed "heavy light sensitivity" don't seem to have any trouble hanging out in the sun.

The intro was a series of comic book covers, very clever, expecially since I don't think they were ever made.

The worst part of the movie for me was that the previews promised action sequences on par with Equilibrium (which really, only has the "Christian Bale shoots about a millin people" aspect going for it) and it refused to pay off. By the end of the movie you would have Violet run into a room full of guys with swords, then it would cut away and you would hear a bunch of sword fight noises through a closed door. I wanted to see that, that is why I went to the theater, to see people shot and chopped up.

Overall the movie was very very bad, but if you must see it I suggest a few drinks first.
17:31 / 06.03.06
Having seen the trailer and dubious of a UK release, all I have to say is that it looks like an Uwe Boll film with a larger budget and no basis on video games.

Seriously, what possesses people to make films with nothing behind them other than a moderately famous lead actor / actress and a huge special effects budget?

Even the Resident Evil films had a dedicated audience who would have probably gone to see the first film and maybe even the second, but this film seems to have nothing behind it other than a tenuous, tenuous link to Teh Vampires!11!!1 and, well, I have nothing else.

Apologies for ranting but I can't comprehend how films like this get greenlit for so much money.
17:44 / 06.03.06
For those curious but not that curious, the trailer is over here.

Also, I find one thing of note on the movie's IMDB page, in that the Director, Kurt Wimmer, appears in the film as "Speak-No-Evil Phage". Which is nice.
18:25 / 06.03.06
Seriously, what possesses people to make films with nothing behind them other than a moderately famous lead actor / actress and a huge special effects budget?

I wanted to see that, that is why I went to the theater, to see people shot and chopped up.
Dead Megatron
18:39 / 06.03.06
Seriously, what possesses people to make films with nothing behind them other than a moderately famous lead actor / actress and a huge special effects budget?

Teenage boys with too much hormones, I'd guess

And movie execs who think the audience is stupid by definition
19:08 / 06.03.06
Ah. Fair point, Triplets, I appreciate what you mean.

I think.

But there are better films than this out there for seeing people "shot" or "chopped up" - my gut criticism comes from the way this material is packaged, in the case of "The Bollocks Ultraviolet".

It's all so glossy and sparkly and colourful, with nothing that I can see underneath, and I think that is what bothers me.

Which is not to say that Artful Violence is any better than Shiny Violence when it comes to being the basis for a Serious Artistic Endeavour (r). But still, if I want to watch a film containing violence that could stand as entertainment, I think I'll stick with Dog Soldiers , thank you.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
20:04 / 06.03.06
Pretty much Triplets, yeah.

Every now and again I like to go watch an over the top super violent fiml where the main players don't suffer much if any consequences for their actions. While I feel like this every now and then, the average American movie audience is like that about 50% of the time, and the other 50% is spent on romantic comedies like Failure to Launch which looks to be crap of another variety.

This is pretty much why shitty movies get made, because 95% of the movie going audience doesn't care if what they watch is quality, only that the guy and girl get together, or the hero kills all the bad guys.

Sometimes I don't want to think much beyond the basic good/bad breakdown of your average action film, but I wish someone would make a good one. I would prefer a science fiction flic, because the bad guys are less likely to be nameless brown people as so often in american action movies.

Dog Soldiers was pretty well done, although I saw it on Sci Fi Channel so I don't know how edited it may have been.

Now that I think of it, I would be happy if hollywood never made another sci fi action movie, as long as every 6 months or so ALIENS was in the theaters.
Dead Megatron
20:18 / 06.03.06
Now that I think of it, I would be happy if hollywood never made another sci fi action movie, as long as every 6 months or so ALIENS was in the theaters.

and ALIEN, no S.
22:42 / 06.03.06
I thought Equilibrium was a good flick if you're into uber-badassery by way of the Matrix and Fahrenheit 451, so I kinda wanna see Ultraviolet just for the inevitable hardcore badass fight scenes.
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
23:39 / 06.03.06

Have you ever been to a movie where the opening credits sequence was the only part that made sense? And where the best acting was done by the faceless, nameless guard who dies in the first 15 minutes?

Yeah. That'd it Ultraviolet. Between the victims of the "horrible, deadly, and virulent" disease which doesn't seem to do anything other than make them superhumans, the "flat space" and "counter-gravity" technology (which explained by Violet was able to carry lots of guns and still wear form fitting vinyl, leather, and spandex), and the nonsensical plot...yeah. It was bad. Very bad.

There was a LOT that was never explained, which made it very difficult to understand parts of the plot. I don't expect "flat space" technology to be explained, but at the same time it would be nice if they mentioned WHY the "hemophages" had it and normal people didn't (more to the point: why the average hemophage thug had technology that was hundreds of times better than the average human "elite" soldier). Similarly, it woudl have been nice if they explained what the virus DID. Presumably, given that its called "hemophagic virus" it makes you want to drink blood, but we never see anyone in the movie do that. There is a derth of blood drinking. Nor do people seem to be affected by sunlight.

The movie focused too much on special effects and Milla Jovovich's color changing, skin tight outfit, to the detriment of any sense of dialogue (people have a tendency to take William Shatner-style pauses when they speak) or setting. For instance: Why do all the government people have religious titles, including plenty of cross iconography on their buildings and uniforms, and yet none of them actually seem to care about religion at all?

In the end, the best parts of the movie really are the fight scenes (some of which, early on at least, or somewhat amusing), and the opening credit sequence, which is done in the form of comic book covers of various "Ultraviolet" comic books that have, apparently, been published over the years (they got some good artists to do the covers for the movie, I'll give them that). Though it was slightly odd to see the camera's obsession with doing slow pans over the breasts on the cover artwork. I mean, I can understand why they did it, intellectually...but at the same time it really was more than a touch silly.

Put asses into seats, though. I mean the theater was PACKED, and this was one of the last showings on Saturday, so I'm wondering if it was getting a pretty strong and consistent audience.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
01:27 / 07.03.06
This was one of those movies that I on the one hand realized was horrible but on the other, thought was redicuilously fun. Certianly the funniest action movie I've seen in ages.

Thought I'm not certian that was the idea. And the villian got all the best dialogue.
09:27 / 07.03.06
Equilibrium (which really, only has the "Christian Bale shoots about a millin people" aspect going for it)

But this is all it needs to have going for it, though, surely?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:57 / 07.03.06
Well, yeah VV, and I was hoping this film would have a bit of that.

It, unfortunately, did not.
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
16:39 / 07.03.06
Christian Bale at least had good dialogue in Equilibrium. Not so for ANY of the characters in Ultraviolet. It really WAS just Milla Jovovich running around with guns, a sword, and a skintight, colorchanging outfit that left a good portion of her stomach open and left very little to the imagination.

At least Equilibrium made SENSE. Ultraviolet...not so much.

Also, Milla Jovovich speaking through gritted teeth for an hour and a half? Not the makings of a good movie.

Seriously, its like she's got her mouth closed and is trying to growl out her lines through her teeth.

"We're as strong and as fast as you."
"Yeah...but I'm betting you are ONE TENTH as pissed off as me!"

"What are you going to do? I have five hundred men!"
"I'm KILL them all!"

And the frequent repetition of the phrase "Just watch me".
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:47 / 08.03.06
And the frequent repetition of the phrase "Just watch me".

that didn't bug nearly as much as her saying "huh" like 1000 times.
All Acting Regiment
01:08 / 29.06.06
Dear dear, this was awful. I wonder, why did I like Kill Bill but not this? It has something to do with KB being grounded in the real world and in westerns/Martial arts films...but then so was this, I guess? Maybe Kill Bill just had a soundtrack.

Over to you.
This Sunday
04:50 / 29.06.06
Am I the only one who just quite listening to the film and enjoyed its colors? If it was run fast enough to be over in four minutes, it'd be great, y'know? There wasn't a plot, so much as there were several excuses for explosions and shooting, blood and bright color. The dialogue was so stilted it had to be deliberate. Oh, and despite all the blood everywhere, people kinda never bleed when stabbed or shot into swiss cheese. Which, was terribly fun.

Oh, and it helps if you watch 'Breakfast on Pluto' right before and 'Find Me Guilty' right after. They're like a trilogy gifted unknowing filmmakers and production companies by our excellent and deranged alien overlords.
12:14 / 29.06.06
Some of those cover used for the credit sequence that bard mentioned are now online for your pervy pleasure

As for the film, watched it a while ago and yes it makes no sense at all.

They do mention some of the diseases side effects though (something about when you "change" you can get sunlight allergy or somthing and can maybe see oin the dark, plus lots of ppeople have fangs but yes, no real vampirism)
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:14 / 29.06.06
There is an Unrated version coming out on DVD as well. Unless the plot was removed by the ratings board I can not imagine it being any better though.

There is always the thought that all of Violet's outfits were cgi and the unrated version removes them, but I don't know if that would be enough to watch it again...
This Sunday
21:56 / 29.06.06
I watched the unrated, and now kinda wish I knew what was cut for the theatrical.
Yes, not anywhere near the best movie ever and very much a brightly colored, CG-happy 'Razor Blade Kiss', but different cuts can make all the difference. I mean, look at 'Lord of Illusions' or 'Once Upon a Time in America'.
22:56 / 29.06.06
DD - there are plenty of more enjoyable ways of seeing pretty colours without having to watch this abomination...
This Sunday
00:16 / 30.06.06
Truth. People may wish to ignore my previous posts and just put on 'Yellow Submarine' or look through a kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope's probably cheaper, and has more plot.
Jawsus-son Starship
16:11 / 30.06.06
I read that the film was removed from the hands of the director after the studio saw his first cut - now imagine how shit that was!
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