From the above link:
You have the right…
to feel safe being who you are.
to feel supported by the members of translife.net and to voice your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and opinions without the fear of being put down or disrespected.
to label yourself or not label yourself as you choose. You can even change your label everyday if you want to.
to feel wonderful, intelligent and beautiful when you are here for support and to learn and socialize.
You have the responsibility...
to refrain from saying hurtful things to or about other members, to listen to what others have to say and not put them down, even in humor.
to allow other people to label themselves as they choose.
to not “out” someone to other people.
to abide by these rules.
From The Barbelith Wiki:
Things that will get you into trouble pretty quickly

You can pretty much get away with arguing any position in the world on Barbelith, which is as it should be. What's more important is the spirit in which you do it. ... If you are going to espouse a position—any position—make sure that (a) you've really thought it through, and (b) you are ready and able to explain or defend it in a reasonable, articulate manner.
Our rule of thumb is that other members shouldn't feel harrassed, and aggressive statements about types of people who might be represented on the board may be considered direct harrassment of the individuals concerned; as a result, any comments which can be interpreted as hate speech are strongly frowned upon by the forum at large and will be dealt with. How they are dealt with tends to vary according to circumstances, but in extremity, where people repeatedly use offensive terms or make offensive statements and react with aggression to all attempts to get them to moderate their behaviour, people have been and will be banned.
A good rule to remember is that something being funny doesn't necessarily prevent it from causing offence, especially as other people might not find it funny. Likewise, what may seem to you obvious - that you belong to the group you are joking about, or indeed that some of your best friends do - is not immediately apparent over the Internet.
Agressive claiming of victim status, insults or strident accusations of political correctness, secret racism or censorship are likely to lead at best to a lot of mockery being aimed your way.
I'm not sure that Barbelith posters have a right "...to feel supported ... and to voice your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and opinions without the fear of being put down or disrespected." Instead, we are told we can ask whatever we want, and " if you do it openly and honestly and present the question fairly, then you'll generally get intelligent responses."
The other difference, of course, is that we do not have a responsibility "to refrain from saying hurtful things to or about other members, to listen to what others have to say and not put them down, even in humor." Instead, we are told "...other members shouldn't feel harrassed, and aggressive statements about types of people who might be represented on the board may be considered direct harrassment of the individuals concerned; as a result, any comments which can be interpreted as hate speech are strongly frowned upon by the forum at large and will be dealt with."
So yeah, I think, in fact, the two guidelines are very close in intent. Ours, to be sure, is wittier and less twee but so, as a board, are we. Is this bad? Should we not be a safe space? Are you saying this is why we get Trolls? Because we're attracting victims and victimizers? |