I haven't read much Lovecraft, I think I took a stab at Mountain of Madness years ago, but don't think I finished it. I do have collections of his stuff though, more because people have referred to his writing in other things that I've read so I've always planned to plough through some Cthulu myth at some point. However, with reference to his ..ism's - I don't think this will put me off, Ive read E R Burroughs and Doc EE Smith and a few more of those older generation sci-f, fantasy, horror writers, and although the isms are more apparent because of their anachronistic nature, I've always had a feeling that they are of the time, and that, as long as I didn't put a book down and think 's/he's right, those natives/women are weak and stupid, darn it!' I've always laughed them off, I guess. There are more modern writers that are guilty of similar ism's, but most people seem to put them down to 'not being able to write women/ethnics' very well, so perhaps this is just a hyper version of this - I mean Lovecraft was a bit of a mummy's boy loner in a wealthy neighbourhood wasn't he? |