whiskey & cameron, i think you're both right! because i am a hopeful person, my personal preference is for the interaction between pierrot & majid's son-- because it's an overcoming of the sins of the father, and a sign that maybe, someday, our children will get past this horrible network of atrocity in which the rest of us have been so entrenched. i also wonder if it points to the possibility of majid's son & pierrot having conspired together to create the tapes. because it's a static shot like the videos received by the family, i also wonder if it points to reminding us that we are watching a film-- that everything we've seen so far has been manipulated in some way. the plain fact that the ending is confusing and can be taken many different ways shows us that experience and memory are like that, too. we miss what goes on in the fringes, or the center of the frame, and our eyes are called only towards what the manipulator chooses. in a shot like this, however, where nothing is given foreground preference, we're allowed to gaze and interpret. |