Are you referring to a bindrune - combining two or more runes as a talisman?
Perhaps I wasn't using the right terminology. What I meant was either a binging thong (worn around the waist or as an armband for a length of time) or by charging the rune/runic monogram, tying it with a leather thong & burying it to release the spell
So, if you're going to use Nauthiz then make sure that it is a genuine *need*.
Beleive me, it definitly is a need. I don't want to sound melodramatic, but I'm pretty damn desperate. Beleive it or not, I just did my taxes and I only made 16,000 last year & I've got loads of debt.
If you are focusing on getting a good, well-paid career, then I'd suggestion you whittle down your intent to a very specific focus. With that in mind, choose a rune or two that will best reflect that desire.
If you're looking for a job, then the choice of rune could also be determined by the kind of career you want. Think about this all very carefully, and come up with what you want.
If you want to be more specific about the kind of job you are looking for I might be better able to recommend a rune or two.
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it", eh? Well put. The reason I used the word 'career' is because (& I can't beleive I'm saying this either) I want something with more responsibility. And I used to be such a good slacker.
Anyways, in the 5 years since I graduated college (BS Communication Arts), I haven't had a job that utilized my training. Which was fine then--I made enough for beer money & frankly didn't want a "straight" job. But poverty & aspirations have me hankering for a job with good pay, benefits & a chance to finally do some travelling. In other words, I'd love to get a job as, say, a writer or a photographer, but unless it pays as much as a boring, well-paid civil service job, I'll take the latter and maybe freelance the former in my spare time.
Regarding sacrifice. Runes work really well if empowered by some of your blood (a couple of drops, nothing too excessive).
Hmm, such thing are good to know. 
That will certainly add to the power of the intent, especially if it's something you want to get back to doing/eating/etc.
This brings up a good point. What would the difference be between depriving yourself of something that you enjoy (a la Lent) vs. vowing to do something out of a sense of duty. For example, jogging 30 minutes a day--irregardless of weather, time restrictions, etc.
Oaths, are very important and be careful in your wording, especially if you are tying them into magic. You'll have to carry them out to the letter unless you want to suffer the consequences.
Thanks for the heads up. Also, thanks to everyone for all the help, as it's much appreciated. |