The other day my girlfriend and I were looking around in this clothing store (excuse me, "boutique") and we came across a Batman t-shirt, which we thought was odd, considering it was a pretty upscale place. Plain grey t-shirt with a small image of Bats circa 1977. I grabbed the tag and we saw it was a Dolce & Gabbana item. For fun, I enclosed it in my hand, covering the price. "How much do you think?" I ask. "Mmm, $60" replies my better half. "I'll say $80", quoth I. The tag was then revealed...
Our shocked snickering did not impress the snotty shopgirl.
Now, thats Canadian. Which, a trip to an online currency converter tells me, is about $205 U.S, 117 pounds or 117 Euro.
Is it just me or is that a lot for a fucking article of clothing that should cost about $200 less? When we were guessing we were even trying to take into account an increase due simply to the brand name. Help me maintain my tenuous grip on reality. |