I'm aching to share something I've stumbled upon some time ago and experimented with. I'm utterly sorry to have written something that is quite dense and sooo long winded.
Short summary: I think that there is a way to test experimentally the effect of an observer upon a quantic system. It's the RetroPsychoKinesis Project. I think also that this could have a very interesting link with magic, both practically and in a theorical way.
First here are the cold, hard facts, as much as I understand them. Please bear with me. Won't hurt if you look around the web site first to know what I'm talking about.
*Some true random numbers are obtained, basically, a string of bits. In this case they are generated by timing a decaying radioactive source with a Geiger counter, automatically recording the result with a computer and storing it in a file.
*When an user decide to run a test, a Java applet download a copy of this file in the user computer, and start to display sequentially the string of bits. Take a mandatory look here to see how it goes.
The graphical display shows a pointer that goes right every times it encounters a 1, and left for a 0. So you find yourself looking at this moving line on your screen, and trying to make it go as far as possible from its starting point with yer mighty powers of the mind. At the end of the run, the ratio of zero and one is looked at, and from it is calculated what is called the z-score. What is that?
I don't want to understand the maths involved, so please correct me if I'm wrong. Roughly, it means that if you take any sequence of 2000 truly random bits, you're expecting to have something like about 1000 zero bits and 1000 one bits in there. Having 500 zero and 1500 one could happen, but only fairly infrequently. The z-score is a measure of that, and also relates to the number of run you should do to get this result by chance alone. This is all displayed at the end of the run.
Now, if you do a great number of run, in the long term you should average out zeros and ones. In fact, it's more complex than that. I refer you to the web site where you will find statistical explanations to your heart content. Not too heavy are this, and especially, this, which is related to the previous one.
Anyway, in a nutshell, what they say is that with data coming from selected 'gifted' subjects you usually have very meaningful results. When you add up all the experiments that were ever done in this field, you get something like a one chance in a thousand that those result were gotten by luck.
Some guy then decided to setup this web site to do a massive online experiment, where subjects can quietly test out things at home. The results so far seems to be conclusive, especially with one gifted subject that made a lot of successful experiments (it's not me!).
Now, what is interesting there from a magical point of view?
*Warning: wild speculations ahead, from someone who knows only pop quantum science*
First of all, it looks like you can influence the outcome of a quantic system by intent when looking at a macrocosmic representation of it.
From a Schrodinger's Cat perspective, those bit were in a quantic indeterminate state until somebody decided to observe them. The moment the observation *by a consciousness* is done, the indeterminate state is resolved: the wave collapse and you are left with either a 0 or a 1. But it looks like that if intent was applied properly during observation, the result is skewed towards what the observer wanted. In this case, the cat comes out alive if you're a kitty lover .
As a very interesting aside, time doesn't matter at all. The sequence of random bits could have been generated weeks, even months earlier, it works just the same, as long as nobody has looked at them before.
Now I'm feeling that this can hold a key to how magic works.
*Warning: even wilder speculations coming this time straight out of my magical arse*
When we are doing magic, in short, we model what we intend to change, unleash intent on it, and have the outcome skewed in our favor. If you add the butterfly effect to the retropsychokinesis, then you may imagine this:
The applied intent could very well manage to collapse a few unobserved quantum states in the past. They then cascade up until the desired effect is manifested in the macrocosm.
Of course, nothing proves that this is really the mechanism, but the idea is seducing. How exactly it is decided what states needs to be collapsed remains the mystery it always was. I have the intuition that this particular problem needs to be taken backwards.
Now, what is especially fascinating and interesting in a direct, practical way, is that you have direct, observable feedback of what you do, contrary to doing magic in the real world (although making traffic lights switch color is a favorite of mine 
Here is my personal experience of it, for what it is worth:
You watch that line move, you become one with it first. Then gently, your pour intent on it. Whatever works for you, works. You really feel the faith doing its thing here.
For example, I will just blow my breath on the line from the side, to push it on the direction I want. While doing it, I'm firmly convinced that the air I'm blowing with my mouth will have an impact on it. I then sit back and empty my mind. Bam! the line suddenly jerks in the way I intended. Give you a shock usually. If I try again, but am thinking in the back of my mind: how stupid to blow on a monitor screen to influence the outcome of a RNG, it suddenly doesn't works so well 
(Other things you can try: putting your finger on the screen, thinking it will magnetically attract the line, pushing at the line with the mouse pointer, whatever. Use your imagination to find something that is acceptable, in which you can believe)
Also, If I suddenly manage to do very well, I'm often taken aback and things goes awry after that. There's a subtle dance between believing and not believing, the concentration or lack of it, managing to get your awareness one pointed, and believing truly that what you are doing will have an effect... In fact it seems to me that this follows perfectly what is outlined in the 'Nuts and Bolts' section of this page. At least working with those ideas in mind seems to give the better results.
For me this is an invaluable tool to help me grok what works and what doesn't when doing magic. It has been very helpful in my magical practice to help me fine tune a state of mind where things can happen at will, effortlessly. It seems to me that moving this line is 'hard' compared to influencing outcomes in the real world.
After all, you may only have to change a few quantum states to get the desired result in reality, owing to the infamous butterfly effect, but here it is a consequent number you have to disrupt. On the other hand just doing a 'spell' beforehand for the run to score big does seems to quite work, if you manage to stay calm, that is. 
Very interesting also are the beliefs you are holding when doing the experiment, and how they translate. I realized once that I had the 'background' belief that when I was puffing on the system, nature was going to put it back to equilibrium. The line then acted like it was elastically tied to its starting point: I managed to blow it off far on the side, only to have it come back to the middle. When I realized this and managed to change this belief, thinking instead that the line didn't have any 'memory', that it was just a random string of 0 and 1, and that once I got it blown off it should just stay at its new point of equilibrium, it did.
In short, my gut belief for all this is that it is the definitive training ground for doing result oriented magic. Exercising with this can tremendously improve your success ratio, and also can manage to get snap fingers results.
Maybe it's just the Law of Fives at work and I'm totally deluded.
Still, the very first time I stumbled upon this and gave it a try, guess what was my final score?
Yep. 23.

Anyway, If you look at my log, it's not that impressive. There is a one chance in 451 in there for sure and a few over 100, but the overall z score is not very convincing (but not bad either, roughly a 1 in 3).
That said, I'm usually going with what I start with: if the line goes left, I'll keep it going left, even if I have stated 'right' as a goal. This violently decrease the total z. If you add all the z without counting the initial goal I think I'm quite good. If somebody with a love of all thing chi square wants to do it, I would love it.
I've been mostly toying around with it and didn't care much about the end result, more about the feeling and the feedback this give me. Maybe one day, I'll try to do some decent records logs.
Hope you found this interesting. I'll be very much interested in your take on that matter (Do you think it's just a 'psychic power' among others, or could it be a core mechanism of action of magic?), and of course in your practical experiments.
As a related side note, you should take a look at this Barbelith thread
In fact, I've stumbled upon the Global Consciousness project first, and tried some global telepathic broadcast to see if I could shake up the world consciousness (yes, I'm nuts). It looks like I managed to have their 'global coherence' dot going red bright ( meaning <1% that the result was gotten by chance) for a few hours. I'm convinced now that I very much managed to wreck havoc on their poor RNGs 
By the way, the link to the experiment given here is a demo. It relies on the internal pseudo random number generator of your computer rather than fetching real quantic generated random bits. This is to preclude a sudden influx of people getting all the good crunchy bits. It doesn't mean that it won't work, I did have good results with it too, but the feel is very different. Dig around the RPKP site to find the real experiments. |