Okay you lot.
Idea-space = Revolutionary praxis/catalyst.
Needed: Eleven people, from eleven different areas of expertise!
New World Crisis -
For this job we need an expert on conspiracy theory - Translating it into laymans terms and testing its reliability.
Head Shop -
A radical theorist who knows how to reconstruct a pattern just as much as deconstruct it. And someone who's an optomist about these things, please!
Switchboard -
Somebody politically active who supports anti-capitalism just as much as Tony Blair, just as much as the Conservative party! Somebody pragmatic with a sensible attitude to the current political climate, both home and abroad.
Magick -
Somebody who appreciates the magic in all things and all people big and small, ugly and pretty, and who can encourage it with their extremely seductive on-line personality! Change the world with your mind baby! Oh, and if you were a practising magician/shaman/wican/sorceress that'd also be handy.
Laboratory -
Someone who reads New Scientist would be the sort who could fill this position. Do you know the latest about nanotechnology? Cloning? Developments on the Internet? ID cards? Do you know how these things are going to effect our everyday lives, and also how and when these things will be introduced? Think future! And be REALISTIC! Then this might be the place for you.
Art & Design
Comic Books
Film, TV & Theatre
Self-explanatory really. An expert needed from each field please!
Creation -
Someone creative, fun, content, luminous, and contagious - A person who inspires anarchy with their words!
Gathering -
A person who can organise beautiful parties! (Someone with connections in this area would be ideal).
All applications welcome. Further details will be forthcoming.
And please, when I said don't smack I meant don't smack! Bring your big ideas to the table my sweet children!

[ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: Mr insensitive ] |