**Minor SPOILERS**
I saw this last night and I quite liked it. It's certainly no JLU, but it was good, dumb fun. Those of you expecting the Ultimates willbe disappointed. While the intro with Cap is lifted almost wholesale from the comic, the story diverges quite quickly, and becomes it's own thing. Think the League of Extraordinaty Gentlemen movie (then dial back a bit, it's not that bad) - they've taken the characters and the sandbox, and told a PG-13 superhero story with it.
There're hints at the book - Hank and Jan are slightly antagonistic, Banner and Betty have been broken up for a while and Bruce wants her back, Tony drinks a bit (but it's not commented on), Thor is basically the same (but has no beard! Not very Norse, that...) but the story is mostly origins, and a fight with some aliens and a fight with the Hulk and we're finished in an hour and ten minutes.
The Hulk fight is quite fun, if a bit tacked-on, but Hulk has muck less of the willful destruction and amped-up fratboy character that he has with Millar (which I loved, btw, the thought that Ult. Hulk is all about sex has made the character much more interesting, but alas, it's left out of the cartoon). The fight is restricted to the environs of the Triskelion, so there's no Hulk rampaging through Manhattan. He does break Pym's kneecap and hand though, so it's not all bad.
Download, steal or rent, save your pennies for the JLU box sets...