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Chorlton and the Wheelies

21:04 / 05.02.06
A few weeks ago M brought back a lucky charity shop find: a video of Chorlton and the Wheelies. We've only watched a few episodes, but I'm completely entranced by it.

Which of you lucky 'Lithers grew up with this wonderful and weird kids show?
21:21 / 05.02.06
Ah, yes. Utterly lovely. You may also want to try Jamie and the Magic Torch.
Spatula Clarke
21:28 / 05.02.06
Me, for one.

I always adored it and used to bore the pants off people who'd never seen it trying to explain precisely why it was so good - difficult, because no TV stations ever seemed to repeat it.

There's a huge great wad of that patented Cosgrove/Hall dryness in there. It's just self-knowing enough to feel slightly edgy, but never steps anywhere near to the line that'd mark it out as being more for parents than their kids. You can't enjoy it if you even attempt to come at it from a grown-up angle. To the very young Dupre it felt subversive. Compare it to the other stop-motion stuff doing the rounds at the time. Trumpton. Camberwick Green. That stuff was alright and I distinctly remember enjoying those shows too, but they always left me feeling a bit full, a bit tired, like they'd mushed my brain into sticky toffee pudding - C&tW, in comparison, left me feeling like I'd been let in on some big secret, left me feeling sparkly.

It's got a really joyous, upbeat atmosphere - Chorlton is quite obviously drugged up to his eyeballs, but he's not stupid. He's yr eternal optimist. Hell the dude's a Happiness Dragon. And there's a fucking masterful balancing act being pulled off here - if that was all it was, some plastic dragon who thought everything was lovely, it'd be the most patronising show around. Instead though, you had the Wheelies themselves, all that little bit more aware of the realities of life than the big guy. They were the middle ground between him and Fenella, who was probably my first introduction to world-weary cynicism.

It's just some really imaginative, wonderful shit. If the Magic Roundabout is Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, Chorlton & the Wheelies is Super Furry Animals circa Radiator.

One of the greatest theme tunes ever written, too.
22:37 / 05.02.06
Dude - it has a Welsh witch - and mushrooms that are evil and change size - and Chorlton is a happiness dragon - what's not to love?
22:53 / 05.02.06
You never saw Chorlton and the Wheelies before?

And I married you?


Fucking hell...

My name is Chorlton I'm a dragon
And I live in the wheelie world
ha ha ha ha

Hello, little old lady!

Diss Bagpuss and I WILL kill each and eavery one of you.
05:44 / 06.02.06
dude, i was utterly deprived on that side of the pond!

and bagpuss rules.
Benny the Ball
07:02 / 06.02.06
Never mind Bagpuss and Jamie - both quality shows - this is a thread about Chorlton, not a remanisance of all shows past, CHORLTON! A beautiful show. I was quite scared of the episodes with the snowmen - evil looking things - when younger. But it is quality, all the accents are great, the msuhrooms and spikey things supurb. Even as a little kid I falsley remembered the witch as saying 'I'll get you, you bastard dragon' in her welsh way.... ahhhhh, Chorlton, so much better than Wallace and Gromit.
07:24 / 06.02.06
Hello, little old Lady, indeed!

I really have nothing more to add.
yawn - thing's buddy
07:56 / 06.02.06

was a bit scary for lunchtime viewing really, was old chorlton.

(used to run home for this and beansont host)
Nelson Evergreen
19:06 / 06.02.06
'Acquired series one on DVD a while ago - years of fond, hazy memories of the show having convinced me it would make perfect Hangover Viewing. It doesn't. But it's great the rest of the time.

Chorlton's (and Jamie's) creator, Jo Marsden, has a new series of kids' picture books out soon-ish, which would appear to contain more than a touch of the old magic...
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