"Hello my name is Mistoffelees, and I´m a marmot."
Uurgh, got up at 11.55. I´ll just stay awake tonight to reset my body clock.
Can't you set your cell phone to ring at a certain time in the morning? I detest waking up that way, but I do it when I'm traveling.
And I detest cell phones (ruining your thumbs via sms, crazy frog, loud rude people at the movies, etc.), that´s why I never got one. 
But maybe I should get an alarm clock, that´s as annoying as a cellphone!
I sound a little crazy, don't I.
Nah, sounds quite normal. Picking your clothes mentally for the next two weeks, that´d be more like it. 
I don´t drink coffee, and I won´t start, because I have an (irrational?) fear of getting addicted. Most of my colleagues were addicted to coffeee. They openly admitted to not being able to work and most of the time they could not even talk properly with you,before their morning cups!
modern maenad
Hm, so I´ll modify my idea and get two annoying alarm clocks. And you´re right, this getting up late is connected to going to bed at a reasonable hour. I believe, this happens because our body clock has a 25 hour day, so if you don´t have a fixed time to get up, it starts shifting.
How do you know this? I suspect that once you went outside you'd discover that being in bed is actually far better. It's better not to risk that disappointment.
Strong Truth!
In the evening my "human brain" says, oh, the things you could do, if you were an early bird!
And in the morning, my "animal brain" says, safe/warm/cozy/hmmm and hits my snooze button:

Failing that, try going to bed and getting up an hour later each day and cycle through the clock. At least that way once every 24 days you'll be getting up at your desired time.
I actually thought about that, but as I said, I´ll try a StrgAltDel by staying awake tonight. Late Shift!
1. Make it your new hobby to take wonderful sunrise-photos. Always tell yourself you could still do better next time. This will also make you gradually get used to getting up earlier and earlier, until in June you'll be wide awake at 4 a.m.
Hear, hear! This method has the advantage of avoiding the "having to adjust to the stolen hour in march" trap.
And I could also do one of the adorations:
"Heil Dir, der Du Ra bist in Deinem Aufsteigen, eben Dir, der Du Ra bist in Deiner Stärke, der Du über die Himmel fährst in Deiner Barke, wenn die Sonne aufgeht.
Tahuti steht in Seiner Pracht am Bug, und Ra-Hoor verweilt bei Seinem Ruder. Heil Dir von den Wohnungen der Nacht."
2. Join a Taiji- or Qigong-class. They usually exercise very early in the morning, as that's considered the best time of the day.
There´s a class like that just 200m from here! Coincidence?
5. Get rid of your mattress for a more Klingon approach to sleeping. Your hurting bones will make you get up very early.
Nooo! Do not want! (see photo above) |